owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
148 Operating the climate control systems
Environmental note onandisonlyactive when the glove box is
H closed.
Full perfume vials must notThe perfume atomizer is provided with a pre-
be disposed of with house-filled perfume vial. You can also choose from
hold rubbish. They must beavariety of filled perfume vials and an empty
collected separately andvial which you can fill yourself.
recycled to protect the envi-
ronment. If yourefillanemptyperfumevial,observethe
Dispose of full perfume vialsseparate information sheet attached to the
in an environmentally vial.
responsible manner and !IfyoudonotusegenuineMercedes-Benz
takethemtoaspecialwaste interiorperfumes,observethemanufactur-
collection point. ers' safety notices on the perfume packag-
ol is empty. Dispose of the used vial after use.
r XToinserttheperfumevial:opentheglove
cont box (Y page 307).
e XSlidetheperfumevialintotheholderasfar
t as it will go.
a XToremovetheperfumevial:pulloutthe
Clim perfume vial.
:Perfumelid of the empty perfume vial to refill it your-
;Perfumevial self.
The perfume atomizer helps to improve driv-XRefill the vial with a maximum of 15 ml of
ing comfort. the desired liquid perfume.
Using Audio 20 or COMAND, you can:XScrewthelidbackontothevial.
Rswitchtheperfumeatomizeronoroff(see!Onlyrefill the vial when you are outside
the separate operating instructions)the vehicle. Otherwise, liquid perfume
arate operating instructions) it.
The following conditions can affect your per-Always refill the empty refillable vial with the
ception of the perfume intensity:sameperfume.Otherwise,youmightnotach-
Roperating mode of the climate control sys-ieveoptimumresultsfromtheperfumeatom-
tem izer.
Rinterior temperature
Rair humidity
Rphysiological condition of occupants, e.g.
fatigue or hunger
The perfume atomizer can only be operated
whentheclimate control system is switched

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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