owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
• Make sure you carry the Intelligent Key withThe ignition knob is designed so that it cannot beLOCK(Normalparking position) (0)
you when operating the vehicle.turned to the LOCK position until the selector lever
• Never leave the Intelligent Key inside the ve-is moved to the P (Park) position. The selector leverThe steering lock can be only be locked from this
hicle when you leave the vehicle.can only be moved from the P (Park) position whenposition.
the ignition knob is in the ON position and the“OFF” (1)
• If the Intelligent Key is too far away from thefootbrake pedal is depressed.
driver, the vehicle may not start. The engine can be turned off without locking the
Theignition knob warning light () blinks and aAcc(Accessories) (2)
The ignition lock is designed so that the knob canbuzzer sounds twice when the ignition knob is
ONLY be turned to the LOCK position when theturned to the “OFF” position. Make sure that theThis position activates electrical accessories, such
PUSHrelease button has first been depressed.selectorleverisintheP(Park)position,thenturnas the radio, when the engine is not running.
NOTE the ignition knob to the LOCK position. SeeON(Normaloperating position) (3)
“Warning/indicatorlightsandaudiblereminders”This position turns on the ignition system and the
• The ignition knob warning light () blinksin the “2. Instruments and controls” section for
and the buzzer sounds twice when the igni-further details regarding the functionality of theelectrical accessories.
tion knob is turned to the “OFF” position. De-ignition knob warning light.START(4)
press the PUSH release button j2 , then turnSTEERINGLOCK
the ignition knob to the LOCK position. See Theenginestarteractivatesandtheenginewillstart.
“Warning/indicatorlightsandaudibleTo lock the steering wheelAssoonastheenginehasstarted,releasetheknob
reminders” in the “2. Instruments and immediately. It will return to the ON position.
controls” section for further details regardingIn the LOCKposition,turnthesteeringwheel1/6of
the functionality of the ignition knob warninga turn from the straight up position.
light. To unlock the steering wheel
• When the emergency key is being used, theDepressthebrakepedal,pushtheignitionknoband
PUSH release button j2 must be depressedturn it towards the Acc position while gently rotating
in order to turn the ignition knob to the LOCKthe steering wheel right or left.
position although the ignition knob warning
light () will not blink and the buzzer will not
5-8 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2006

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