owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
Static and flutter: During signal interference from Compactdisc(CD)player
buildings, large hills or due to antenna position
(usually in conjunction with increased distance CAUTION
from the station transmitter), static or flutter can
be heard. This can be reduced by adjusting the ● DonotforceacompactdiscintotheCD
treble control to reduce treble response. insert slot. This could damage the CD
Multipath reception: Because of the reflective and/or CD changer/player.
characteristicsofFMsignals,directandreflected ● Trying to load a CD with the CD door
signals reach the receiver at the same time. The closedcoulddamagetheCDand/orCD
signals may cancel each other, resulting in mo- changer.
mentary flutter or loss of sound. ● Only one CD can be loaded into the CD
AMRADIORECEPTION player at a time.
AMsignals, because of their low frequency, can ● Only use high quality 12 cm (4.7 in)
bend around objects and skip along the ground. round discs that have the “COMPACT
In addition, the signals can be bounced off the disc DIGITAL AUDIO” logo on the disc
ionosphere and bent back to earth. Because of or packaging.
these characteristics, AM signals are also sub- ● During cold weather or rainy days, the
ject to interference as they travel from transmitter player may malfunction due to the hu-
to receiver. midity. If this occurs, remove the CD
Fading: Occurs while the vehicle is passing and dehumidify or ventilate the player
through freeway underpasses or in areas with completely.
many tall buildings. It can also occur for several LHA0099
seconds during ionospheric turbulence even inAUDIOOPERATIONPRECAUTIONS ● The player may skip while driving on
areas where no obstacles exist. rough roads.
Static: Caused by thunderstorms, electrical ● TheCDplayersometimescannotfunc-
powerlines, electric signs and even traffic lights. tion when the compartment tempera-
ture is extremely high. Decrease the
temperature before use.
4-24 Display screen, heater, air conditioner, audio and phone systems

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year of production from: 2013

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Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual
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