owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
● Do not expose the CD to direct sun-Compactdiscwith MP3● ID3 tag — The ID3 tag is the part of the
light. encoded MP3 file that contains information
Terms: aboutthedigitalmusicfilesuchassongtitle,
● CDs that are in poor condition or are● MP3 — MP3 is short for Moving Picturesartist, album title, encoding bit rate, track
dirty, scratched or covered with finger-Experts Group Audio Layer 3. MP3 is thetime duration, etc. ID3 tag information is
prints may not work properly.most well-known compressed digital audiodisplayed on the Album/Artist/Track title line
● Thefollowing CDs may not work prop-file format. This format allows for near “CDon the display.
erly: quality”sound, but at a fraction of the size of
● Copycontrol compact discs (CCCD)normal audio files. MP3 conversion of an
audio track from CD-ROM can reduce the
● Recordable compact discs (CD-R)file size by approximately a 10:1 ratio with
● Rewritable compact discs (CD-RW)virtually no perceptible loss in quality. MP3
compression removes the redundant and
● Do not use the following CDs as theyirrelevant parts of a sound signal that the
may cause the CD player to malfunc-humaneardoesnothear.
tion: ● Bit rate — Bit rate denotes the number of
● 8 cm (3.1 in) discs with an adapterbits per second used by a digital music file.
● CDsthatarenotround Thesize and quality of a compressed digital
● CDswithapaperlabel whenencodingthe file.
● CDs that are warped, scratched, or● Sampling frequency — Sampling frequency
have abnormal edges is the rate at which the samples of a signal
are converted from analog to digital (A/D
conversion) per second.
Display screen, heater, air conditioner, audio and phone systems 4-25

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year of production from: 2013

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