owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
engine models) (Diesel engine models)
NISSANGREENPROGRAM • Keep your engine tuned up. Malfunctions inTheturbochargersystemusesengineoilforlubrica-
Thethree-waycatalystisanemissioncontroldevicethe ignition, fuel injection, or electrical sys-tion and cooling of its rotating components. The tur-
installed in the exhaust system. In the converter,tems can cause over-rich fuel flow into thebocharger turbine turns at extremely high speeds
exhaust gases are burned at high temperatures toconverter, causing it to overheat.andit can reach an extremely high temperature. It is
help reduce pollutants. • Avoiddriving with an extremely low fuel level.essential to maintain a flow of clean oil through the
Runningoutoffuelcouldcausetheenginetoturbocharger system. A sudden interruption to the
CAUTION misfire, damaging the three-way catalyst.oil supply may cause a malfunction in the turbo-
• Theexhaust gas and the exhaust system are charger.
very hot. While the engine is running, keep• Donotkeepdriving if the engine misfires, orTo ensure prolonged life and performance of the
peopleorflammablematerialsawayfromtheif noticeable loss of performance or other un-turbocharger, it is essential to comply with the fol-
exhaust pipe. usualoperatingconditionsaredetected.Havelowing maintenance procedure:
the vehicle inspected promptly by a NISSAN
• Do not stop or park the vehicle over flam-dealer or qualified workshop.CAUTION
mablematerials such as dry grass, waste pa-• Donotracetheenginewhilewarmingitup.• Change the engine oil of the turbo-charged
per or rags, as they may burn easily. diesel engine as prescribed. See the sepa-
• When parking, ensure that people or flam-• Do not push or tow your vehicle to start therately provided Warranty Information & Main-
mable materials are kept away from the ex-engine. tenance Booklet for additional information.
haust pipe. • Use only the recommended engine oil. See
TOHELPPREVENTDAMAGE “Capacitiesandrecommendedfuel/
CAUTION lubricants” in the “9. Technical information”
• Use UNLEADED PETROL ONLY, specifically • If the engine has been operating at high rpm
the recommended type. For details, see “Ca- for an extended period of time, let it idle for a
pacitiesandrecommendedfuel/lubricants”in few minutes prior to shutdown.
the “9. Technical information” section.
• Do not use leaded petrol. Leaded petrol will • Donotaccelerate the engine to high rpm im-
seriously damage three-way catalyst. mediately after starting it.
Deposits from leaded petrol will seriously re-
duce the three-way catalyst’s ability to help
reduce exhaust pollutants.
5-4Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2006

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