owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
118 Mirrors
Position of the steering wheel for driv-Mirrors
ing Rear-view mirror
ted position when:
Rthedriver's door is closed and you insert
the SmartKey into the ignition lock
Ryouclosethedriver's door when the igni-
tion is switched on
RyoupresstheStart/Stopbutton once on
vehicles with KEYLESS-GO
mirrorsset position if the driving position is stored
after the seat or steering column has beenXAnti-glare mode: flick anti-glare lever :
and adjusted (Y page 122). forwards or back.
ing wheel is stored if:
wheelRtheignition is switched off Exterior mirrors
Rthesettingisstoredwiththememoryfunc-Important safety notes
tion (Y page 122).
Crash-responsive EASY-EXIT featureGWARNING
steering Youcouldlosecontrolofyourvehicleifyoudo
If the crash-responsive EASY-EXIT feature isthe following while driving:
triggered in an accident, the steering columnRadjust the driver's seat, head restraint,
Seats,will move upwards when the driver's door issteering wheel or mirrors
openedortheSmartKeyisremovedfromtheRfasten the seat belt
ignition lock. This makes it easier to exit theThere is a risk of an accident.
vehicle and rescue the occupants. Adjustthedriver'sseat,headrestraint,steer-
The crash-responsive EASY-EXIT feature isingwheelandmirrorandfastenyourseatbelt
onlyoperationaliftheEASY-EXIT/ENTRYfea-before starting the engine.
ture is activated in Audio 20/COMAND; see
the separate Audio 20/COMAND operatingGWARNING
instructions. The exterior mirror on the front-passenger
side reduces the size of the image. Visible
objects are actually closer than they appear.
This means that you could misjudge the dis-
tance from road users traveling behind, e.g.
For this reason, always make sure of the
actual distance from the road users traveling
behind by glancing over your shoulder.

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year of production from: 2015

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