owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
128 Exterior lighting
front of your vehicle, and consequentlySwitching Adaptive Highbeam Assist
switches the headlamps from high beam toon/off
low beam. XToswitchon:turnthelightswitchtoÃ.
The system automatically adapts the low-XPressthecombination switch beyond the
tance to the other vehicle. Once the systemThe _indicatorlampinthemultifunc-
nolonger detects any other vehicles, it reac-tion display lights up if it is dark and the
tivates the high-beam headlamps. light sensor activates the low-beam head-
the windshield near the overhead controlIf youaredrivingatspeedsabove25km/h:
panel. If you are driving at speeds above approx-
rsImportant safety notes imately 16 mph (25 km/h):
GWARNING The headlamp range is set automatically
pe depending on the distance between the
i AdaptiveHighbeamAssistdoesnotrecognizevehicle and other road users.
w road users: If you are driving at speeds above approx-
Rwhohavenolights,e.g. pedestrians imately 19 mph (30 km/h) and no other
Rwhohavepoorlighting, e.g. cyclistsroad users have been detected:
ndshieldRwhoselighting is blocked, e.g. by a barrierThehigh-beamheadlampsareswitchedon
i In very rare cases, Adaptive Highbeam Assistautomatically. The K indicator lamp in
w mayfail to recognize other road users thatthe instrument cluster also lights up.
andhavelights,ormayrecognizethemtoolate.InIf you are driving at speeds below approx-
this or similar situations, the automatic high-imately 16 mph (25 km/h) or other road
beamheadlampswill not be deactivated orusers have been detected or the roads are
ightsactivatedregardless.Thereisariskofanacci-adequately lit:
L dent. Thehigh-beamheadlampsareswitchedoff
Alwayscarefullyobservethetrafficconditionsautomatically. The K indicator lamp in
and switch off the high-beam headlamps inthe instrument cluster goes out. The _
good time. indicator lamp in the multifunction display
remains lit.
Adaptive Highbeam Assist cannot take intoXToswitchoff:movethecombination
account road, weather or traffic conditions.switch back to its normal position or move
Adaptive Highbeam Assist is only an aid. Youthe light switch to another position.
are responsible for adjusting the vehicle'sThe _indicatorlampintheinstrument
lighting to the prevailing light, visibility andcluster goes out.
traffic conditions.
In particular, the detection of obstacles can
be restricted if there is: Headlampsfoggedupontheinside
Rpoorvisibility, e.g. due to fog, heavy rain orCertain climatic and physical conditions may
snow causemoisturetoformintheheadlamp.This
Rdirt on the sensors or the sensors aremoisture does not affect the functionality of
obscured the headlamp.

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year of production from: 2015

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