owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
120 Mirrors
RtheexteriormirrorsfoldinautomaticallyasRImmediately change out of clothing which
soon as you lock the vehicle from the out-has come into contact with electrolyte.
side. RIfanallergic reaction occurs, seek medical
Rtheexterior mirrors fold out automaticallyattention immediately.
again as soon as you unlock the vehicle.
iIftheexteriormirrorshavebeenfoldedinThe rear-view mirror and the exterior mirror
manually, they do not fold out. onthedriver'ssideautomaticallygointoanti-
Exterior mirror pushed out of positionsimultaneously:
If an exterior mirror has been pushed out ofRtheignition is switched on
position, proceed as follows: Rincident light from headlamps strikes the
rrors sensor in the rear-view mirror
miXVehicleswithoutelectrically foldingThe mirrors do not go into anti-glare mode if
d exteriormirrors:movetheexteriormirrorreversegearisengagedoriftheinteriorlight-
an into the correct position manually.ing is switched on.
l XVehicleswithelectrically folding exte-
e rior mirrors: press and hold button :
he until you hear a click and then the mirrorParking position for the exterior mir-
w engaging in position (Y page 119).ror on the front-passenger side
g The mirror housing is engaged again andStoring the parking position
n youcanadjusttheexteriormirrorsasusual
ri (Y page 119). Youcanposition the front-passenger side
tee exterior mirror in such a way that you can see
s the rear wheel on that side as soon as you
, Automatic anti-glare mirrors
SeatsGWARNING tion.
Electrolyte mayescapeiftheglassinanauto-Using reverse gear
is harmful and causes irritation. It must not
comeinto contact with your skin, eyes, res-
piratory organs or clothing or be swallowed.
There is a risk of injury.
If you come into contact with the electrolyte,
observe the following:
RRinseoff the electrolyte from your skin
immediately with water.
RImmediately rinse the electrolyte out of
your eyes thoroughly with clean water.
rinse your mouth out thoroughly. Do not;Adjustmentbutton
induce vomiting. =Buttonforthefront-passenger side exte-
RIf electrolyte comes into contact with yourrior mirror
skin or hair or is swallowed, seek medical?Buttonforthedriver'ssideexteriormirror
attention immediately.

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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