owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
108 Correct driver's seat position
Useful information XObservethesafety guidelines on seat
adjustment (Y page 109).
iThisOperator'sManualdescribes allXMakesurethatseat=isadjustedprop-
mentofyourvehicleavailableatthetimeofElectrical seat adjustment (
publication of the Operator's Manual. Ypage110)
Country-specific differences are possible.Whenadjusting the seat, make sure that:
Please note that your vehicle may not beRyouareasfarawayfromthedriver'sairbag
equipped with all features described. Thisas possible
also applies to safety-related systems andRyouaresitting in a normal upright position
ors functions. Ryoucanfastentheseatbeltproperly
r iReadtheinformationonqualifiedspecial-Ryouhavemovedthebackresttoanalmost
ir ist workshops (Y page 27). vertical position
m Ryouhavesettheseatcushionanglesothat
and your thighs are gently supported
Correct driver's seat position Ryoucandepressthepedalsproperly
GWARNING Ryourlegsarenotfully extended
wheel XCheckwhethertheheadrestraintisadjus-
Youcouldlosecontrolofyourvehicleifyoudoted properly.
the following while driving: Whendoingso,makesurethatyouhave
Radjust the driver's seat, head restraint,adjustedtheheadrestraintsothattheback
eeringsteering wheel or mirrors ofyourheadissupportedateyelevelbythe
st Rfasten the seat belt center of the head restraint.
There is a risk of an accident.XObservethesafety guidelines on steering
Adjustthedriver'sseat,headrestraint,steer-wheel adjustment (Y page 115).
before starting the engine. ted properly.
Adjusting the steering wheel manually
(Y page 115)
Adjusting the steering wheel electrically
(Y page 116)
Whenadjusting the steering wheel, make
sure that:
armsslightly bent
Ryoucanseeallthedisplays in the instru-
mentcluster clearly
(Y page 44).
belt ; properly (Y page 46).

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year of production from: 2015

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