owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
The vehicle speed must be kept below 15 MPH TheLDWsystemwillsoundawarningchimeand
(25 km/h). blink the LDWindicator light (orange) to alert the
The hill descent control indicator light will come driver if the vehicle is traveling close to either the
on when the system is activated. Also, the left or the right of a traveling lane with detectable
stop/tail lights illuminate while the hill descent lane markers. For additional information, refer to
control system applies the brakes to control ve- “Lane Departure Warning (LDW) system” in the
hicle speed. “Starting and driving” section of this manual.
If the accelerator or brake pedal is depressed TheBSWsystemwillturnontheBSWindicator
while the hill descent control system is on, the light, located next to the outside mirrors, if the
system will stop operating temporarily. As soon cameradetectsavehicleinthedetectionzone.If
astheaccelerator or brake pedal is released, the the turn signal is activated in the direction of the
hill descent control system begins to function detected vehicle, a chime sounds twice and the
again if the hill descent control operating condi- BSWindicator light will flash. For additional in-
tions are fulfilled. LIC2225formation, refer to “Blind Spot Warning (BSW)
system” in the “Starting and driving” section of
ThehilldescentcontrolindicatorlightblinksiftheThe warning systems switch is used to turn onthis manual.
switch is on and all conditions for system activa-and off the warning systems (Lane Departure
tion are not met or if the system becomes disen-Warning (LDW), Forward Collision Warning
gaged for any reason. (FCW)andBlindSpotWarning(BSW)systems)
To turn off the hill descent control system, pushthat are activated using the settings menu on the
the switch to the OFF position.vehicle information display.
For additional information, refer to “Hill descentWhenthe warning systems switch is turned off,
theindicator 1 ontheswitchisoff.Theindicator
control system on indicator light” in this section
and“Hill descent control system”in the “Startingwill also be off if all of the warning systems are
and driving” section of this manual.deactivated using the settings menu.
Instruments and controls 2-41

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year of production from: 2013

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