owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
When cruise control is activated, a green circle exterior vehicle components in all situations. Al-
will illuminate to indicate it is set. The vehicle ways secure your vehicle even if parking for a
informationdisplaywillalsodisplaythespeedthe brief period. Never leave your Intelligent Key in
cruise control was set at. If you accelerate past the vehicle, and always lock the vehicle when
thesetspeed,thespeedwillblinkuntilyoueither unattended. Be aware of your surroundings, and
cancelcruisecontrolorgobacktothesetspeed. park in secure, well-lit areas whenever possible.
If cruise control is on and cancelled, the speed
will be displayed to show the speed the vehicle Manydevicesofferingadditionalprotection,such
will return to if the resume button his activated. as component locks, identification markers, and
Transmission position indicator tracking systems, are available at auto supply
stores and specialty shops. Your NISSAN dealer
This indicator shows the transmission shift posi- mayalso offer such equipment. Check with your
tion. insurance company to see if you may be eligible
CVTError: See Owner’s Manual for discountsforvarioustheftprotectionfeatures.
LIC2385 Howtoarmthevehiclesecurity
Thiswarningilluminateswhenthethereisaprob-Your vehicle may have two types of security sys-
lem with the CVT system. If this warning comestems: system
on, have the system checked by a NISSAN 1. Close all windows. (The system can be
dealer. ● Vehicle security system armedevenifthewindowsareopen.)
Malfunction See Owner’s Manual ● NISSANVehicleImmobilizer System 2. RemovetheIntelligent Key from the vehicle.
This warning appears when the Blind SpotVEHICLESECURITYSYSTEM 3. Close all doors, hood and trunk/liftgate.
Warning/Lane Departure Warning or ForwardThe vehicle security system provides visual andLockalldoors.Thedoorscanbelockedwith
Collision Warning systems are not functioningaudible alarm signals if someone opens thethe Intelligent Key, door handle request
properly. doors, trunk lid or the hood when the system isswitch (if so equipped), power door lock
armed.Itisnot,however,amotiondetectiontypeswitch or mechanical key.
systemthat activates when a vehicle is moved or4. Confirm that the security indicator light
whenavibration occurs. comes on. The security light stays on for
The system helps deter vehicle theft but cannotabout30seconds.Thevehiclesecuritysys-
preventit, nor can it prevent the theft of interior ortem is now pre-armed. After about 30 sec-
Instruments and controls 2-29

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