owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
Engine start operation for Intelligent KeyLowFuelIf the light comes on while the engine is running,
system (if I-Key battery is low) (if soThis warningilluminates whenthefuellevelintheyou can drive the vehicle. However in these
equipped) fuel tank is getting low. Refuel as soon as it iscases, contact a NISSAN dealer for repair as
This indicator appears when the battery of theconvenient, preferably before the fuel gaugesoon as possible.
Intelligent Key is low and when the Intelligent Keyreaches 0 (Empty). There will be a small re-Loose Fuel Cap
system and the vehicle are not communicatingserve of fuel in the tank when the fuelThis warning appears when the fuel-filler cap is
normally. gaugeneedlereaches0(Empty).not tightened correctly after the vehicle has been
If this appears, touch the ignition switch with theLowWasherFluidrefueled. For additional information, refer to
Intelligent Key while depressing the brake pedal.This warning illuminates when the windshield-“Fuel-filler cap” in the “Pre-driving checks and
For additional information, refer to “NISSAN In-washer fluid is at a low level. Add windshield-adjustments”section of this manual.
telligent Key® battery discharge”in the “Startingwasherfluidasnecessary.Foradditionalinforma-Tire Pressure Low - Add Air warning
and driving” section of this manual.tion, refer to “Windshield-washer fluid” in the
KeyIDIncorrect (if so equipped)“Maintenance and do-it-yourself” section of thisThis warning appears when the low tire pressure
manual. warning light in the meter illuminates and low tire
This warning appears when the ignition switch ispressure is detected. If this warning appears,
placed from the OFF position and the IntelligentDoor/liftgate Openstop the vehicle and adjust the tire pressures of
Keyis not recognized by the system. You cannotThis warning illuminates when a door has beenall four tires to the recommended COLD tire
start the engine with an unregistered key.opened when the engine is running.pressureshownontheTireandLoadingInforma-
For additional information, refer to “NISSAN In-tion label. For additional information, refer to
telligent Key®” in the “Pre-driving checks andI-Key System Error: See Owner’s Manual“Low tire pressure warning light” in this section
adjustments”section of this manual.(if so equipped)and “Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)”
After the ignition switch is pushed to the ONin the “Starting and driving” section of this
Release Parking Brake position, this light comes on for about 2 secondsmanual.
This warning illuminates in the message area ofand then turns off.Flat Tire – Visit dealer (if so equipped)
the vehicle information display when the parkingThe I-Key System Error message warns of aThis warning appears when the low tire pressure
brake is set and the vehicle is driven.malfunction with the Intelligent Key system. If thewarning light in the meter illuminates and one or
light comesonwhiletheengineisstopped,itmaymoreflattiresaredetectedwhiledriving.Achime
be impossible to start the engine.also sounds for approximately 10 seconds.
Instruments and controls 2-27

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year of production from: 2013

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