owners manual Seat Arona
owners manual Seat Arona - year of production: 2017 - Seat Arona owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Arona, year of production 2017:
Depending on vehicle equipment, this in-of research will be treated anonymously (in
Event Data Recorder
cludes data from systems such as:other words, no reference will be made to the
vehicle, their owner or the lessee/hirer).
Description and operation ●Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)
●Front Assist.
Your vehicle has an event data recorder
●Park Pilot system
The EDR’s function is to record data in theThe EDR data are only recorded in specific ac-
event of a mild or serious accident. These da-cident situations. No data are recorded in
ta are used to support the analysis of hownormal driving conditions.
different vehicle systems behaved.
No audio or video data inside or around the
The EDR records, over a reduced time rangevehicle are recorded. Under no circumstances
(normally 10 seconds or less), dynamic driv-are personal data such as name, age, or gen-
ing data and data from the restraint systems,der recorded. Nevertheless, third parties
such as: (such as criminal proceedings authorities)
may relate the contents of the EDR data to
●How different vehicle systems worked.
other data sources and create a personal ref-
●Whether the driver and the occupants wereerence in the context of an accident investi-
wearing their seatbelts. gation.
●How hard the acceleration or brake pedal
In order to read the EDR data it is necessary
was pressed.
to access (if legally permitted to do so) the
●Vehicle speed. vehicle's ODB (“On-Board-Diagnose”) inter-
face while the vehicle is switched on.
These data will provide a better understand-
SEAT will not have access to EDR data unless
ing of the circumstances of the accident.
the owner (or, in “Leasing” cases, the lessee
Data from the driving assist systems are also
or hirer) gives their consent. There may be ex-
recorded. This includes data such as whether
ceptions to this, depending on legal or con-
the systems were inactive or active and if
tractual provisions.
such action had an impact on the vehicle’s
Due to legal requirements in safety-related
dynamic behaviour, changing its path in the
products, SEAT may use the EDR data for field
aforementioned situations, accelerating or
research and in order to improve vehicle sys-
decelerating the vehicle.
tem quality. Any data used for the purposes
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year of production from: 2017
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Seat Arona owners manual
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Seat Arona owners manual
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