owners manual Seat Arona
owners manual Seat Arona - year of production: 2017 - Seat Arona owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Arona, year of production 2017:
tensioners function incorrectly or may not airbag. In this case, the inflating airbag may
Airbag system
u all. inflict critical or fatal injuries on the occu-
f nction at
pant. This also applies to children.
So that the effectiveness of the seat belt ten-
Brief introduction
sioner is not reduced and that removed parts Always maintain the greatest possible dis-
do not cause any injuries or environmental tance between yourself and the front airbag.
Why is it so important to wear a seat
pollution, regulations, which are known to This way, the front airbags can completely
belt and to sit correctly?
the specialised workshops, must be ob- deploy when triggered, providing their maxi-
served. mum protection.
For the inflating airbags to achieve the best
protection, the seat belt must always be wornThe most important factors that will trigger
properly and the correct sitting position mustan airbag are: the type of accident, the angle
● Improper use or repairs not carried out by
be assumed. of collision and the speed of the vehicle.
qualified mechanics increase the risk of se-
The airbag system is not a substitute for seatWhether or not the airbags are triggered de-
vere or fatal injuries. The belt tensioners may
belts, but it is an integral part of the vehicle'spends primarily on the vehicle deceleration
fail to trigger or may trigger in the wrong cir-
overall passive safety system. Please bear inrate resulting from the collision and detected
mind that the airbag system can only work ef-by the control unit. If the vehicle deceleration
● Never attempt to repair, adjust, remove or
fectively when the vehicle occupants areoccurring during the collision and measured
install parts of the belt tensioners or seat
wearing their seat belts correctly and haveby the control unit remains below the speci-
adjusted the head restraints properly. There-fied reference values, the front, side and/or
● The seat belt tensioner, seat belt and auto-
fore, it is most important to properly wear thecurtain airbags will not be triggered. Take in-
matic retractor cannot be repaired.
seat belts at all times, not only because thisto account that the visible damage in a vehi-
● Any work on the belt tensioners and seat
is required by law in most countries, but alsocle involved in an accident, no matter how
belts, including the removal and refitting of
for your safety ››› page 77, Why wear a seatserious, is not a determining factor for the
system parts in conjunction with other repair
belt?. airbags to have been triggered.
work, must be performed by a specialised
workshop only.
The airbag inflates in a matter of seconds, so
● The belt tensioners will only provide pro-
if you are not properly seated when the air-
● Wearing the seat belt incorrectly or assum-
tection for one accident and must be changed
bag is triggered, you may sustain fatal inju-
if they have been activated. ing an incorrect sitting position can lead to
ries. Therefore, it is essential that all vehicle
critical or fatal injuries.
occupants assume a correct sitting position
● All vehicle occupants, including children,
while travelling.
who are not properly belted can sustain criti-
Sharp braking before an accident may cause
cal or fatal injuries if the airbag is triggered.
a passenger not wearing a seat belt to be
Children up to 12 years old should always
thrown forward into the area of the deploying
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year of production from: 2017
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