owners manual Seat Arona
owners manual Seat Arona - year of production: 2017 - Seat Arona owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Arona, year of production 2017:
Transporting children safely
● Never install a child seat facing backwardsaccident. This is particularly important if theWARNINGa
on the front passenger seat unless the frontchild is travelling on the front passenger seat
When travelling, children must be secured in d
passenger front airbag has been disabled.and the airbag system is triggered in an acci-
the vehicle with a restraint system suitable
Risk of potentially fatal injuries to the child!dent; as this could cause serious injury or
for age, weight and size.
However, if it is necessary, in exceptional ca-even death.
● ec
Read and always observe information and
ses, to transport a child in the front passen- T
● A suitable child seat can protect your child!
warnings concerning the use of child seats
ger seat, the front passenger front airbag
● Never leave a child alone in the child seat
››› page 88.
must always be disabled ››› page 86, Deacti-
or inside the vehicle because depending on
vation of front passenger front airbag*. If the
the season, very high temperatures may be
passenger seat has a height adjustment op- ic
reached inside a parked vehicle, which could
tion, move it to the rearmost and highest po-
be fatal.
The retaining rings are designed only for use
sition. If it is a fixed seat, it should be moved
● with “ISOFIX” and Top Tether* system child
to the rearmost position possible.Children who are less than 1.5 metres tall
must not wear a normal seat belt without a
● For those vehicles that do not include a key
child seat, as this could cause injuries to the●
Never secure other child seats that do not
lock switch to deactivate the airbag, the vehi-
abdominal and neck areas during a sudden
have the “ISOFIX” or Top Tether* system, or
cle must be taken to a technical service. Do
braking manoeuvre or in an accident.
retaining belts or objects to the fastening
not forget to reconnect the airbag when an ation
● rings - this can result in potentially fatal inju-
adult wants to sit in the front passenger seat.Do not allow the seat belt to become twis-
ries to the child. Oper
ted and the seat belt should be properly in
● All vehicle occupants, especially children,
place ››› page 77. ●
Ensure that the child seat is secured cor-
must assume the proper sitting position and
● rectly using the “ISOFIX” and Top Tether* se-
be properly belted in while travelling.Only one child may occupy a child seat
curing rings.
››› page 89, Child seats.
● Never hold children or babies on your lap, ie
this can result in potentially fatal injuries to● When a child seat is mounted in the rear
the child! seats, the door child-proof lock should be ac-WARNING
tivated ››› page 132.
● Never allow a child to be transported in a
An undue installation of the safety seat will
vehicle without being properly secured, or to
increase the risk of injury in the event of a
stand up or kneel on a seat while travelling.
In an accident, the child could be flung
● Never tie the retainer strap to a hook in the
Child seats
through the vehicle, causing possibly fatal in-
luggage compartment.
juries to themselves and to the other vehicle
● Never secure or tie luggage or other items
occupants. Safety instructions Saf
to the lower anchorages (ISOFIX) or the upper
● If children assume an improper sitting posi-
ones (Top Tether).
Read the additional information carefully
tion when the vehicle is moving, they expose
› page 23.
themselves to greater risk of injury in the› ›
event of a sudden braking manoeuvre or in an
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year of production from: 2017
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Seat Arona owners manual
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