owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
92 Cargocompartment
are locked. partment. You could otherwise lock yourself
lock cylinder until it engages and is seatedYoushouldpreferably place luggage or loads
firmly. Do not pull the door handle whenin the cargo compartment. Observe the load-
doing so. ing guidelines (Y page 306).
If youlockthevehicleasdescribedabove,the
fuel filler flap is not locked. The anti-theftTailgate obstruction detection with
alarm system is not armed. reversing feature
closingCargocompartment Vehicleswithremotetailgateclosingfea-
ture: the tailgate is equipped with automatic
andImportant safety notes obstaclerecognitionwithreversingfeature.If
a solid object blocks or restricts the tailgate
GWARNING whenautomatically opening, this procedure
Combustion engines emit poisonous exhaustis stopped.Ifasolidobjectblocksorrestricts
Openinggasessuchascarbonmonoxide.Ifthetailgatethe tailgate when automatically closing, the
is open when the engine is running, particu-trunk lid automatically opens again slightly.
larly if the vehicle is moving, exhaust fumesThe automatic obstacle recognition with
could enter the passenger compartment.reversing feature is only an aid. It is not a
There is a risk of poisoning. substitute for your attentiveness when open-
Turn off the engine before opening the tail-ing and closing the tailgate.
gate. Never drive with the tailgate open.GWARNING
GWARNING The reversing feature does not react:
If objects, luggageorloadsarenotsecuredorRtosoft,lightandthinobjects,e.g.smallfin-
not secured sufficiently, they could slip, tipgers
overorbeflungaroundandtherebyhitvehicleRoverthelast 1/3 in (8 mm) of the closing
occupants. There is a risk of injury, particu-movement
larly in the event of sudden braking or a sud-This means that the reversing feature cannot
den change in direction. prevent someone being trapped in these sit-
Always store objects so that they cannot beuations. There is a risk of injury.
flung around. Secure objects, luggage orMakesurethatnobodypartsareinclose
loads against slipping or tipping before theproximity during the closing procedure.
journey. If somebody becomes trapped:
!Thetailgateswingsupwardsandtothe RpresstheFbuttonontheSmartKey,or
rear when opened. Therefore, make sureRpull or press the remote operating switch
thatthereissufficientclearanceaboveandonthedriver's door or
behind the tailgate. Rpresstheclosing or locking button on the
Theopeningdimensionsofthetailgatecanbetailgate or
found in the "Vehicle data" sectionRpull the handle on the tailgate
( Vehicles with HANDS-FREE ACCESS: it is
Youcanlimittheopeningangleofthetailgatealso possible to stop the closing process by
(Y page 97).

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year of production from: 2015

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