owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
94 Cargocompartment
Openingautomatically Vehicles with EASY-PACK tailgate and
Youcanopenthetailgate automatically withwith KEYLESS-GOorKEYLESS-GOstart-
the SmartKey or the handle in the tailgate.function:
XPressandholdtheFbuttononthe XIftheSmartKeyislocatedintheimmediate
SmartKey until the tailgate opens.vicinity of the vehicle: press the F but-
or ton on the SmartKey.
Youcanrelease the button as soon as the
XIf the tailgate is unlocked, pull the handletailgate starts to close.
and let it go again immediately.If KEYLESS-GO detects a SmartKey in the
or cargo compartment, the tailgate is unlocked
closingXWiththetailgate stopped in an intermedi-again after closing.
ate position, pull the tailgate upwards.If KEYLESS-GO detects a second SmartKey
and Youcanreleasethetailgateassoonastheoutside the vehicle, the tailgate remains
tailgate starts to open. locked.
Closing automatically If KEYLESS-GO detects a SmartKey in the
cargo compartment before the closing pro-
Opening cedure starts, the tailgate remains open.
Important safety notes
Youcould burn yourself by touching the
exhaust system if you use HANDS-FREE
ACCESS.Thereisarisk of injury. Always
:Closingbutton ensure that you only make the kicking move-
;Lockingbutton mentwithin the detection range of sensors.
XTolock:pressbutton:onthetailgate. If the SmartKey is within the rear detec-
or !
XPull the tailgate downwards slightly.tion range of KEYLESS-GO, the following
Youcanreleasethetailgateassoonasthesituations, for example, could lead to the
tailgate starts to close. unintentional opening of the tailgate:
Whenthedriver's door is closed, you canRusingacarwash
vehicle. The KEYLESS-GO key must be in theMakesurethattheSmartKeyisatleast3m
rear detection range of the vehicle.awayfromthevehicle.
XPresslocking button ; in the tailgate.General notes
If KEYLESS-GOdetectsaSmartKeyoutside
thevehicle, the tailgate closes. The vehicleWith KEYLESS-GO and HANDS-FREE
is locked. ACCESS,youcanopenorclosethetailgateor
or stoptheprocedurewithoutusingyourhands.

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year of production from: 2015

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