owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
90 Doors
Meanwhile, the fuel filler flap will not beThe vehicle is locked automatically when the
locked or unlocked. ignition is switched on and the wheels are
Youcannotunlock the vehicle centrally fromturning.
the inside if the vehicle has been locked withYoucould therefore be locked out if:
the SmartKey or KEYLESS-GO. Rthevehicle is being pushed.
If the vehicle has beenlockedwiththeSmart-Rthevehicle is being towed.
theinsidewilltriggertheanti-theftalarmsys-Rthevehicle is on a roller dynamometer.
tem. Switch off the alarm (Y page 78).iYoucanalsoactivateanddeactivatethe
closingvehicle, the previous unlocking process willAudio 20 (see the separate operating
be acknowledged if the vehicle: instructions).
the central locking or Unlocking the driver's door (mechan-
Rhasbeenlockedautomatically ical key)
Thevehiclewillbefullyunlockedifithadpre-If the vehicle can no longer be locked or
door had been previously unlocked, only theuse the mechanical key.
door which has been opened from the inside
is unlocked. XTakethemechanicalkeyoutoftheSmart-
Key (Y page 85).
Automaticlocking feature
XInsert the mechanical key into opening :
in the protective cap.
XTodeactivate:press and hold button :XPull and hold the door handle.
for approximately five seconds until a toneXPull the protective cap on the mechanical
sounds. key as straight as possible away from the
XToactivate: press and hold button ; forvehicle until it releases.
approximately five seconds until a toneXReleasethedoorhandle.
If you pressoneofthetwobuttonsanddonot
hear a tone, the relevant setting has already
been selected.

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year of production from: 2015

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