owners manual Seat Arona
owners manual Seat Arona - year of production: 2017 - Seat Arona owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Arona, year of production 2017:
Airbag system
seated correctly ››› page 72, Correct position● Occupants of the outer seats must neverspecialised workshop. Otherwise, faults maya
for passengers. carry any objects or pets in the deploymentoccur during the airbag system operation.
space between them and the airbags, or al-
● ● al
The deployment space between the front Do not attempt to modify components of
low children or other passengers to travel in
passengers and the airbags must not in any the airbag system in any way.
this position. It is also important not to at-
case be occupied by other passenger, pets
● The side and head airbags are managedec
tach any accessories (such as cup holders) to T
and objects.
through sensors located in the interior of the
the doors. This would impair the protection
● The airbags provide protection for just one front doors. To ensure the correct operation of
offered by the side airbags.
accident; replace them once they have de- the side and curtain (head) airbags neither
● The built-in coat hooks should be used only
ployed. the doors nor the door panels should be
for lightweight clothing. Do not leave any
modified in any way (e.g. fitting loudspeak-
● It is also important not to attach any ob-
heavy or sharp-edged objects in the pockets.
ers). If the front door is damaged, the airbag
jects such as cup holders or telephone
● Great forces, such as hard blows or kicks,system may not work correctly. All work car-
mountings to the surfaces covering the air-
must not be exerted upon the backrest bol-ried out on the front door must be done in a
bag units.
ster because the system may be damaged. Inspecialised workshop.
● Do not attempt to modify components of
this case, the side airbags would not be trig-
● In a side-on collision the side airbags will
the airbag system in any way.
not work if the sensors do not correctly meas-
● Under no circumstances should protectiveure the pressure increase on the interior of
covers be fitted over seats with side airbagsthe doors, due to air escaping through the
Side airbags* unless the covers have been approved for useareas with holes or openings in the door pan-
in your vehicle. Because the airbag deploysel.
Read the additional information carefullyfrom the side of the backrest, the use of con-
● Never drive if the interior door panels haves
ventional seat covers would obstruct the side ie
››› page 22.
been removed or if the panels have not been
airbag, seriously reducing the airbag's effec-
correctly fitted. enc
● Never drive the vehicle if the loudspeakers
● Any damage to the original seat upholstery
● If you do not wear a seat belt, if you lean in the door panels have been removed, un-Emer
or around the seams of the side airbag units
forward, or are not seated correctly while the less the holes left by the loudspeakers have
must be repaired immediately by a special-
vehicle is in motion, you are at a greater risk been closed properly.
ised workshop.
of injury if the side airbag system is triggered
● Always check that the openings are closed
in an accident. ● The airbags provide protection for just one
or covered if additional loudspeakers or other
accident; replace them once they have de-
● In order for the side airbags to provide their equipment are fitted inside the door panels.
maximum protection, the prescribed sitting
● Any work carried out to the doors should be
position must always be maintained with● Any work on the side airbag system or re-
made in an authorised specialised workshop.
seat belts fastened while travelling.moval and installation of the airbag compo-
nents for other repairs (such as removal of
the front seat) should only be performed by a
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year of production from: 2017
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Seat Arona owners manual
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