owners manual Hyundai Atos
owners manual Hyundai Atos - year of production: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 - Hyundai Atos owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai Atos, year of production 1997 - 2008:
WARNING: D040A01A-GAT compartment, tighten the bolt firmly with your
SPARE TIRE fingers until there is no more play in the spare
While the engine is running, keep hands,
long hair and clothing away from movingThe following instructions for the FULL SIZE
parts such as the fan and drive belts tospare tire should be observed:
prevent injury. D050A01A-AAT
Check inflation pressure as soon as practical
after installing the spare tire, and adjust to theIF YOU HAVE A FLAT TIRE
5. If the water pump drive belt is broken or
specified pressure. The tire pressure should be If a tire goes flat while you are driving:
engine coolant is leaking out, stop the en-
periodically checked and maintained at the
gine immediately and call the nearest
Hyundai dealer for assistance. specified pressure while the tire is stored. 1. Take your foot off the accelerator pedal and
let the car slow down while driving straight
WARNING: ahead. Do not apply the brakes immediately
Spare Tire Pressure or attempt to pull off the road as this may
Do not remove the radiator cap when the cause a loss of control. When the car has
engine is hot. This may allow coolant to be Tire Size Full Size
blown out of the opening and cause serious slowed to such a speed that it is safe to do
burns. Inflation Pressure 210 kPa (30 psi) so, brake carefully and pull off the road.
Drive off the road as far as possible and
6. If you cannot find the cause of the overheat- park on firm, level ground. If you are on a
D040B01A-AAT divided highway, do not park in the median
ing, wait until the engine temperature has
Handling the Spare Tire area between the two traffic lanes.
returned to normal. Then, if engine coolant 2. When the car is stopped, turn on your emer-
has been lost, carefully remove the radiator gency hazard flashers, set the parking brake
cap and add engine coolant to bring the fluid and put the transaxle in "P" (automatic
level in the reservoir up to the halfway mark. transaxle) or reverse (manual transaxle)
7. Proceed with caution, keeping alert for fur- 3. Have all passengers get out of the car. Be
ther signs of overheating. If overheating hap- sure they all get out on the side of the car
pens again, call a Hyundai dealer for assis- that is away from traffic.
tance. 4. Change the tire according to the instructions
CAUTION: provided as following.
Serious loss of engine coolant indicates
there is a leak in the cooling system and this
should be checked as soon as possible by a D040B01X
Hyundai dealer. Remove the installation bolt to remove the spare
tire. To replace the spare tire in its storage

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year of production from: 1997

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