owners manual Hyundai Atos
owners manual Hyundai Atos - year of production: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 - Hyundai Atos owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai Atos, year of production 1997 - 2008:
drive switch is turned off, the transaxle will noto Exercise extreme caution when driving on a C130A01A-AAT
upshift to the overdrive gear. For normal driv-slippery surface. Be especially careful when GOOD BRAKING PRACTICES
ing, the selector lever should be left in the "D" braking, accelerating or shifting gears. On a WARNING:
position and the overdrive switch turned on. slippery surface, an abrupt change in ve-
Do not allow passengers to sit on the cargo
hicle speed can cause the drive wheels to
If you need to accelerate rapidly, press the
area while the car is moving as this is not a
lose traction and the vehicle to go out of
accelerator pedal all the way to the floor. The proper seating position and no seat belts
transaxle will automatically shift to a lower gear, control. are available for use when the seat back is
depending on the vehicle speed and load. o Turn the overdrive switch on for good fuel
folded down. This could result in serious
economy and smooth driving. If engine brak- injury or death in case of an accident or a
C090N02A-AAT ing is needed in the "D" range or if repeated sudden stop. Objects should not extend
Good Driving Practices upshifting and downshifting between 3rd and higher than the top of the front seats. This
4th gear is needed when climbing a gentle
o Never move the gear selector lever from "P" could allow cargo to slide forward and cause
or "N" to any other position with the acceler- slope, it is recommended that the overdrive injury or damage during sudden stops.
ator pedal depressed. switch be turned off. Turn the overdrive
switch back on immediately afterward. o After being parked, check to be sure the
o Never move the gear selector lever into "P" parking brake is not engaged and that the
when the vehicle is in motion. CAUTION: parking brake indicator light is out before
o Be sure the car is completely stopped be- driving away.
fore you attempt to shift into "R". o The risk of rollover is greatly increased if
you lose control of your vehicle at high- o Driving through water may get the brakes
o Never take the car out of gear and coast wet. They can also get wet when the car is
down a hill. This may be extremely hazard- way speeds.
washed. Wet brakes can be dangerous!
o Loss of control often occurs if two or
ous. Always leave the car in gear when Your car will not stop as quickly if the brakes
moving. more wheels drop off the roadway and
the driver oversteers to reenter the road- are wet and it may also pull to one side. To
o Do not "ride" the brakes. This can cause dry the brakes, apply the brakes lightly until
them to overheat and malfunction. Instead, way.
o In the event your vehicle leaves the road- the braking action returns to normal, taking
when you are driving down a long hill, slow way, do not steer sharply. Instead, slow care to keep the car under control at all
down and shift to a lower gear. When you do down before pulling back into the travel times. If the braking action does not return to
this, engine braking will help slow the car. lanes. normal, stop as soon as it is safe to do so
o Slow down before shifting to a lower gear. and call your Hyundai dealer for assistance.
o In a collision crash, on unbelted person
Otherwise, the lower gear may not be en- o Don't coast down hills with the car out of
gaged. is significantly more likely to die than a
person wearing a seatbelt. gear. This is extremely hazardous. Keep the
o Always use the parking brake. Do not de- car in gear at all times, use the brakes to
pend on placing the transaxle in "P" to keep slow down, then shift to a lower gear so that
the car from moving. engine braking will help you maintain a safe
2- 7

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year of production from: 1997

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