owners manual Toyota Corolla
owners manual Toyota Corolla - year of production: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 - Toyota Corolla VIII 8 E110 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Toyota Corolla, year of production 1997 - 2002:
Tachometer Odometer and two trip meters
3. Trip meter reset knob—It can reset the
two trip meters to zero, and also
change the meter display.
To change the meter display, quickly
push and release the knob. The meter
display changes in the order from the
odometer to trip meter A to trip meter
B, then back to the odometer each
time you push.
To reset the trip meter A to zero, dis-
play the meter A reading, then push
and hold the knob until the meter is
set to zero. The same process can be
The tachometer indicates engine speed This meter displays the odometer andapplied for resetting the trip meter B.
in thousands of rpm(revolutions pertwo trip meters.
minute). Use it while driving to select1. Odometer—It shows the total distance
correct shift points and to prevent en-
gine lugging and overrevving. the vehicle has been driven.
Driving with the engine running too fast2. Two trip meters—They show two differ-
causes excessive engine wear and poorent distances independently driven
fuel economy. Remember, in most casessince the last time each trip meter was
the slower the engine speed, the greaterset to zero.
the fuel economy. You can use one trip meter to calculate
the fuel economy and the other to
NOTICE measure the distance on each trip. All
trip meter data is cancelled if the elec-
Do not let the indicator needle gettrical power source is disconnected.
into the red zone. This may cause
severe engine damage.
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year of production from: 1997
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Toyota Corolla VIII 8 E110 owners manual
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