owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
are designed to inflate on the side where theThe seat belts should be correctly worn and the
vehicle is impacted. They may not inflate in cer-driver and passenger seated upright as far as
tain side collisions. practical away from the side air bag. Rear seat
Curtain air bags are also designed to inflate inpassengers should be seated as far away as
certain types of rollover collisions or near roll-practical from the door finishers and side roof
overs. As a result, certain vehicle movements (forrails. The side air bags and curtain air bags inflate
example, during severe off-roading) may causequickly in order to help protect the front and rear
the curtain air bags to inflate.outboardoccupants.Becauseofthis,theforceof
the side air bag and curtain air bag inflating can
Vehicle damage (or lack of it) is not always anincrease the risk of injury if the occupant is too
indication of proper side air bag and curtain airclose to, or is against, these air bag modules
bag operation. during inflation. The side air bag and will deflate
When the side air bags and curtain air bagsquickly after the collision is over.
LRS0259inflate, a fairly loud noise may be heard, followedThecurtain air bag will remain inflated for a short
Front seat-mounted side-impactby release of smoke. This smoke is not harmfultime.
supplemental air bag and roof-anddoesnotindicateafire.CareshouldbetakenThe side air bags and curtain air bags op-
mounted curtain side-impact andnot to inhale it, as it may cause irritation anderate only when the ignition switch is
choking. Those with a history of a breathing con-placed in the ON position.
rollover supplemental air bag systemsdition should get fresh air promptly.
ThesideairbagsarelocatedintheoutsideoftheSide air bags, along with the use of seat belts,After placing the ignition switch in the ON
seatback of the front seats. The curtain air bagshelptocushiontheimpactforceonthechestandposition, the supplemental air bag warning
are located in the side roof rails. All of thepelvic area of the front occupants. Curtain airlight illuminates. The supplemental air bag
information, cautions and warnings in thisbagshelptocushiontheimpactforcetotheheadwarninglightwillturnoffafterabout7sec-
manual must be followed. The side air bagsof occupants in the front and rear outboard seat-ondsif the system is operational.
and curtain air bags are designed to inflate ining positions. They can help save lives and re-
higher severity side collisions, although they mayduce serious injuries. However, an inflating side
inflate if the forces in another type of collision areair bag and curtain air bag may cause abrasions
similar to those of a higher severity impact. Theyor other injuries. Side air bags and curtain air
bags do not provide restraint to the lower body.
1-56 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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