owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
Steps Troubleshooting NOTE:
1. Adjust the seat as outlined in the “Seats”If you think the front passengerairbagstatuslightA system check will be performed during
section of this manual. Sit upright, leaningis incorrect:which the front passenger air bag status
against the seatback, and centered on the1. If the light is ON with no front passengerandlight will remain lit for about 7 seconds
seat cushion with your feet comfortably ex-no objects on the front passenger seat:initially.
tended to the floor.
2. Make sure there are no objects on your lap.This may be due to the following conditions thatIf the light is still ON after this, the vehicle should
maybeinterfering with the weight sensors:be checked as soon as possible. It is recom-
3. Fasten the seat belt as outlined in the “Seatmended you visit a NISSAN dealer for this ser-
belts” section of this manual.● Anobjectweighingover2.2lbs(1kg)hang-vice.
4. Remain in this position for 30 seconds al-ing on the seat or placed in the seatback2. If the light is ON with an adult occupying the
lowing the system to classify the front pas-pocket.front passenger seat:
senger before the vehicle is put into motion.● A child restraint or other object pressing● Occupantisasmalladult—theairbaglight
5. Ensureproperclassificationbycheckingtheagainst the rear of the seatback.is functioningasintended.Thefrontpassen-
front passenger air bag status light.● Arear passenger pushing or pulling on theger air bag is suppressed.
NOTE: back of the front passenger seat.However,iftheoccupantisnotasmalladult,then
This vehicle’s occupant classification sen-● Forcingthefrontseatorseatbackagainstanthis may be due to the following conditions that
sor system locks the classification duringobject on the seat or floor behind it.maybeinterfering with the weight sensors:
driving so it is important that you confirm● Anobjectplacedunderthefront passenger● Occupant is not sitting upright, leaning
that the front passenger is properly classi-seat.against the seatback, and centered on the
fied prior to driving. Also, the occupant● Anobject placed between the seat cushionseat cushion with his/her feet comfortably
classification sensor system may recalcu-and center console or between the seatextended to the floor.
late the weight of the occupant when thecushion and the door.● A child restraint or other object pressing
vehicle comestoastop(i.e.stoplight,stop against the rear of the seatback.
sign, etc.), so front passenger seat occu-If the vehicle is moving, please come to a stop
pants should continue to remain seated aswhenitissafetodoso.Checkandcorrectanyof● Arear passenger pushing or pulling on the
outlined above. the above conditions. Restart the vehicle andback of the front passenger seat.
wait 1 minute.
Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-53

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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