owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
● It is recommended you visit a NISSANWhen pretensioner(s) activate, smoke is re-
dealer for work on and around the pre-leased and a loud noise may be heard. This
tensioner system. It is also recom-smokeisnotharmfulanddoesnotindicateafire.
mended you visit a NISSAN dealer forCare should be taken not to inhale it, as it may
installation of electrical equipment. Un-causeirritation and choking. Those with a history
authorized electrical test equipmentof a breathing condition should get fresh air
onthepretensioner system.After the pretensioner(s’) activation, load limiters
● If you need to dispose of the preten-allow the seat belt to release webbing (if neces-
sioner(s) or scrap the vehicle, it is rec-sary) to reduce forces against the chest.
ommended you visit a NISSAN dealerThe supplemental air bag warning lightis
for this service. Incorrect disposal pro-usedtoindicatemalfunctionsinthepretensioner
cedures could cause personal injury.system. For additional information, refer to
The pretensioner system may activate with theSupplemental air bag warning light in this sec-WRS0897
supplemental air bag system in certain types oftion. If the operation of the supplemental air bag1. SRSAir bag warning labels
collisions. Working with the seat belt retractor,warning light indicates there is a malfunction,
the pretensioner(s) help tighten the seat belthavethesystemchecked.ItisrecommendedyouThe warning labels are located on the sur-
when the vehicle becomes involved in certainvisit a NISSAN dealer for this service.face of the sun visor.
types of collisions, helping to restrain front seatWhen selling your vehicle, we request that youSUPPLEMENTALAIRBAG
occupants. inform the buyer about the pretensioner systemWARNINGLABELS
The pretensioner(s) are encased within the seatand guide the buyer to the appropriate sections
belt retractor and to the seat belt anchor affixedin this Owner’s Manual.Warning labels about the supplemental front-
to the floor of the vehicle. These seat belts are impactairbagsystemareplacedinthevehicleas
used the same way as conventional seat belts. shownin the illustration.
1-58 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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