owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
70 Driving safety systems
WARNING Following damage to the windshield, have the
G configuration and operation of the camera sys-
BASPLUSdoesnotreact: temcheckedataqualifiedspecialistworkshop.
Rtosmallpeople, e.g. children Function
Rtooncomingvehicles To avoid a collision, BAS PLUS calculates the
Rwhencornering brake force necessary if:
critical situations. There is a risk of an acci-RBASPLUShasdetectedariskofcollision
dent. Whendrivingataspeedunder20mph
Always pay careful attention to the traffic sit-(30km/h):ifyoudepressthebrakepedal,BAS
uation and be ready to brake. PLUSisactivated. The increase in brake pres-
sure will be carried out at the last possible
In the event of snowfall or heavy rain, the rec-moment.
ognition can be impaired. Whendrivingataspeedabove20mph
Recognition by the radar sensor system is also(30 km/h): if you depress the brake pedal
impaired in the event of: sharply, BAS PLUS automatically raises the
brake pressure to a value adapted to the traffic
Rthereis dirt on the sensors or anything elsesituation.
covering the sensors BASPLUSprovidesbrakingassistance in haz-
Rthereis interference by other radar sourcesardous situations with vehicles in front within a
Rtherearestrong radar reflections, for exam-speed range between 4 mph (7 km/h) and
ple in parking garages 155mph(250km/h).
Ranarrowvehicletraveling in front, e.g. aAt speeds of up to approximately 44 mph
motorbike (70 km/h), BAS PLUS can react to:
Ravehicle traveling in front on a different lineRstationaryobjectsinthepathofyourvehicle,
Rvehiclesquicklymovingintotheradarsensore.g. stopped or parked vehicles
system detection range Rpedestrians in the path of your vehicle
Recognition by the camera system is alsoRobstacles crossing your path, which move in
impaired in the event of: the detection range of the sensors and are
Rdirtonthecameraorifthecameraiscoveredrecognized by them
the sun being low in the sky ing force, preventative passenger protection
Rdarkness measures(PRE-SAFE®)areactivatedsimulta-
Rif: neously (Y page 59).
-pedestriansmovequickly,e.g.intothepathXKeepthebrakepedaldepresseduntil the
of the vehicle emergency braking situation is over.
-the camera system no longer recognizes aABSprevents the wheels from locking.
pedestrianasapersonduetospecialcloth-BASPLUSisdeactivated and the brakes func-
ing or other objects tion as usual again, if:
-a pedestrian is concealed by other objectsRyoureleasethebrakepedal.
-the typical outline of a person is not distin-Rthereis no longer a risk of collision.
guishable from the background Rnoobstacleis detected in front of your vehi-
have the configuration and operation of theRyoudepresstheaccelerator pedal.
radar sensors checked at a qualified specialist
workshop.ThisalsoappliestocollisionsatslowRyouactivate kickdown.
speeds where there is no visible damage to the
front of the vehicle.
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year of production from: 2014
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