owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
80 SmartKey
XTounlockcentrally:press the%button.tions of KEYLESS-GO with those of a conven-
If you do not open the vehicle within approx-tional SmartKey. Unlock the vehicle by using
imately 40 seconds of unlocking:KEYLESS-GO,forinstance,andlockitusingthe
Rthevehicle is locked again. Thedriver'sdoorandthedooratwhichthehan-
Ranti-theft protection is reactivated.dle is used, must both be closed. The SmartKey
XTolockcentrally: press the &button.mustbeoutside the vehicle. When locking or
The SmartKey centrally locks and unlocks theunlocking with KEYLESS-GO, the distance
following components: between the SmartKey and the corresponding
ng doorhandlemustnotbegreaterthan3ft(1m).
i Rthedoors Abrief radio connection between the vehicle
o Rthetrunklid and the SmartKey determines whether a valid
c Rthefuel filler flap SmartKey is in, or in the direct vicinity of, the
Theturnsignals flash once when unlocking andvehicle. This occurs, for example:
andthree times when locking. Rwhenstarting the engine
Youcanalsosetanaudible signal to confirmRwhiledriving
that the vehicle has been locked. The audibleRwhenusingHANDS-FREEACCESS
signal can be activated and deactivated via theRwhentheexternaldoorhandlesaretouched
multimedia system; see the separate operating
Openinginstructions. Rduring convenience closing
firmation if all components were able to be
Whenthelocator lighting is activated via the
multimedia system, it lights up when it is dark
after the vehicle is unlocked with the SmartKey.
Information on activating and deactivating the
locator lighting can be found in the separate
operating instructions.
button until the trunk lid opens.XTounlockthevehicle:touchtheinnersur-
XToopenthetrunklidautomaticallyfromface of the door handle.
ted in the immediate vicinity of the vehicle
, or ;.
press the FbuttonontheSmartKey. Makesurethatyoudonottouchtheinner
Whenthetrunklid closes you can thensurface of the door handle.
release the button.
XConvenienceclosingfeature: touch
recessed sensor surface ; for an extended
KEYLESS-GO period.
Further information on the convenience clos-
General notes ing feature (Y page 96).
Bear in mind that the engine can be started byXTounlockthetrunklid:pullthehandleon
anyofthevehicleoccupantsifthereisaSmart-the trunk lid.
Key in the vehicle (Y page 164). Deactivating and activating
Locking/unlocking centrally If you do not intend to use a SmartKey for an
Youcanstart, lock or unlock the vehicle usingextendedperiodoftime,youcandeactivatethe
KEYLESS-GO.Todothis,youonlyneedcarrytheKEYLESS-GOfunction of the SmartKey. The
SmartKey with you. You can combine the func-SmartKeywillthenuseverylittlepower,thereby
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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