owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
ger air bag inflating in a crash instead of beingused. If the air bag status light is not illuminatedIf a malfunction occurs in the front passenger air
OFF.Foradditionalinformationaboutproperuse(indicating that the air bag might inflate in abag system, the supplemental air bag warning
and installation, refer to “Child restraints” in thiscrash), it could be that the child restraint or seatlight, locatedinthemeterandgaugesarea
section. belt is not being used properly. Make sure thatof the instrument panel, will blink. Have the sys-
If the front passenger seat is not occupied, thethe child restraint is installed properly, the seattem checked. It is recommended you visit a
front passenger air bag is designed not to inflatebelt is used properly and the occupant is posi-NISSANdealerfor this service.
in a crash. However, heavy objects placed on thetionedproperly.IftheairbagstatuslightisstillnotNormal operation
seat could result in air bag inflation, because ofilluminated, reposition the occupant or child re-In order for the occupant classification sensor
the object’s weight detected by the occupantstraint in a rear seat.system to classify the front passenger based on
classificationsensor.OtherconditionscouldalsoIf the front passenger air bag status light will notweight, please follow the precautions and steps
result in air bag inflation, such as if a child isilluminate even though you believe that the childoutlined below:
standing on the seat, or if two children are on therestraint, the seat belts and the occupant arePrecautions
seat, contrary to the instructions in this manual.properly positioned, the system may be sensing
Alwaysbesurethatyouandallvehicleoccupantsan unoccupied seat (in which case the air bag is● Makesure that there are no objects weigh-
are seated and restrained properly.OFF). A NISSAN dealer can check that the sys-ingover2.2lbs(1kg)hangingontheseator
Usingthefrontpassengerairbagstatuslight,youtemisOFFbyusingaspecialtool.However,untilplaced in the seatback pocket.
can monitor when the front passenger air bag isyou have confirmed with your dealer that your air● Make sure that a child restraint or other
automaticallyturnedOFFwiththeseatoccupied.bagis working properly, reposition the occupantobject is not pressing against the rear of the
The light will not illuminate when the front pas-or child restraint in a rear seat.seatback.
senger seat is unoccupied.TheNISSANAdvancedAirBagSystemandfront● Makesurethatarearpassengerisnotpush-
If an adult occupant is in the seat but the frontpassenger air bag status light will take a fewing or pulling on the back of the front pas-
passengerairbagstatuslightisilluminated(indi-secondstoregisterachangeinthefrontpassen-senger seat.
catingthattheairbagisOFF),itcouldbethattheger seat status. For example, if a large adult who● Make sure that the front passenger seat or
personisasmalladult,orisnotsittingontheseatis sitting in the front passenger seat exits theseatback is not forced back against an ob-
properly or not using the seat belt properly.vehicle, the front passenger air bag status lightject on the seat or floor behind it.
If a child restraint must be used in the front seat,will go from OFF to ON for a few seconds and● Make sure that there is no object placed
the front passenger air bag status light may orthentoOFF.Thisisnormalsystemoperationandunder the front passenger seat.
maynotbeilluminated, depending on the size ofdoes not indicate a malfunction.
the child and the type of child restraint being
1-52 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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