owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
● If a forward facing child restraint is in-This vehicle is equipped with the NISSAN Ad-
WARNING vanced Air Bag System for the driver and front
Toensureproperoperationofthepassen-stalled in the front passenger seat, dopassenger seats. This system is designed to
ger’s NISSAN Advanced Air bag System,notpositionthefrontpassengerseatsomeetcertification requirements under U.S. regu-
please observe the following items.the child restraint contacts the instru-
ment panel. If the child restraint doeslations. It is also permitted in Canada. All of the
● Do not allow a passenger in the rearcontact the instrument panel, the sys-information, cautions and warnings in this
seat to push or pull on the seatbacktemmaydeterminetheseatisoccupiedmanualmustbefollowed.
pocket. and the passenger air bag may deployThe driver supplemental front-impact air bag is
● Do not place heavy loads heavier thanin a collision. Also the front passengerlocated in the center of the steering wheel. The
2.2 lb (1 kg) on the seatback, headair bag status light may not illuminate.front passenger supplemental front-impact air
restraint/headrest or in the seatbackFor additional information about in-bagismountedinthedashboardabovetheglove
pocket. stalling and using child restraints, referbox. The front air bags are designed to inflate in
to “Child restraints”in this section.higher severity frontal collisions, although they
● Do not store luggage behind the seat● Confirm the operating condition withmayinflateiftheforcesinanothertypeofcollision
that can press into the seatback.the front passenger air bag status light.are similar to those of a higher severity frontal
● Do not position the front passenger● Ifyounoticethatthefrontpassengerairimpact. They may not inflate in certain frontal
seat so it contacts the rear seat. If thebag status light is not operating as de-collisions. Vehicle damage (or lack of it) is not
front seat does contact the rear seat,scribed in this section. It is recom-always an indication of proper front air bag sys-
the air bag system may determine amended you visit a NISSAN dealer totem operation.
sensor malfunction has occurred andchecktheoccupantclassificationTheNISSANAdvancedAirBagSystemmonitors
the front passenger air bag status lightsystem.information from the crash zone sensor, the Air
may illuminate and the supplemental bag Control Unit (ACU). Inflator operation is
air bag warning light may flash.● Until you have confirmed with a dealerbased on the severity of a collision and seat belt
thatyourpassengerseatoccupantclas-usage for the driver. For the front passenger, the
sification system is working properly,occupantclassification sensor is also monitored.
position the occupants in the rear seat-Based on information from the sensor, only one
ing positions. front air bag may inflate in a crash, depending on
the crash severity and whether the front occu-
pants are belted or unbelted. Additionally, the
front passenger air bag may be automatically
Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-49

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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