owners manual Hyundai Atos
owners manual Hyundai Atos - year of production: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 - Hyundai Atos owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai Atos, year of production 1997 - 2008:
C090C01A-AAT C090G01S-GAT o Do not accelerate the engine in reverse
o R(Reverse): o L (Low gear): or any of the forward positions with the
brakes applied.
Use for backing up the vehicle. Bring the car to Use for driving up a very steep grade or for
a complete stop before shifting the selectorengine braking when descending steep hills.o Always apply the footbrake when shift-
lever to "R" position. When downshifting to "L", the transaxle willing from "P" or "N", to "R", "D", "2" or
temporarily remain in second gear until the"L" position.
C090D02A-AAT vehicle has slowed enough for low gear to
o Do not use the "P" (Park) position in
o N (Neutral): engage. Do not exceed 50 km/h (30 mph) in low place of the parking brake. Always set
In the "N" position, the transaxle is in neutral
gear. the parking brake, shift the transaxle into
position, which means that no gears are en-
"L" shifts to 1st gear only. However, shift up to "P" (Park) position and turn off the igni-
gaged. The engine can be started with the shift 2nd is performed when the car exceeds ation when you leave the vehicle, even
lever in "N" position, although this is not recom-certain speed and, as speed increases, themomentarily. Never leave the vehicle
mended except if the engine stalls while the cartransaxle will shift up to 3rd gear to preventunattended while the engine is running.
is moving. over-revving the engine. o Check the automatic transaxle fluid level
regularly, and add fluid as necessary.
C090E01A-GAT C090H01E-GAT
o D (Drive): NOTE:
Use for normal driving. The transaxle will auto- C090P01A-GAT
o For smooth and safe operation, depress Overdrive Switch
matically shift through a four-gear sequence,
giving best economy and power. Never down- the brake pedal when shifting from "Neu-
tral" position or "Park" position to a for-
shift manually to "2" position or "L" position
when vehicle speed is more than 95 km/h (60 ward or reverse gear.
mph). o The brake pedal fully depressed in order
to move the shift lever from the "P"
C090F01A-AAT (Park) position to any of the other posi-
o 2 (Second gear): tions.
Use for driving on a slippery road, hill climbingo It is always possible to shift from "R",
"N", "D", "2", "L" position to "P" posi-
or engine braking downhill. "2" automatically
shifts between first and second gears. tion. The vehicle must be fully stopped to
avoid transaxle damage.
This means that no shift-up to 3rd gear is
performed. However, the shift-up to third gear is C090P01X
done when the car speed exceeds a certain
value to prevent the engine from over-revving. CAUTION: When the overdrive switch is turned on, the
Manually move the selector to "D" returning to o Shift into "R" and "P" position only when transaxle will automatically upshift to the sec-
normal driving condition. the vehicle has completely stopped. ond, third and overdrive gears. When the over-
2- 6

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year of production from: 1997

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