owners manual Opel Insignia
owners manual Opel Insignia - year of production: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Opel Insignia manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Opel Insignia, year of production 2008 - 2017:
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The text files can be created, e.g., byCommunication, (18) News &Example: 7.0350000, 50.6318040,
using a simple text editor software.broking, (19) Government office, (20)"Michaels Home", "Bonn - Hellweg 6",
General. "02379234567", see image above.
The GPS coordinates need to be
The text editor must support theEntering POI data into the text files
expressed in decimal degrees.
UTF-8 character encoding forThe image below shows a sample
Unicode. text file named Home & Living_8.poi
The maximum length of the POI name
with some sample POI data:
is 60 characters. The same applies to
Each text file name need to consist of
the additional information string and
the category name, a single
the phone number string.
underscore, the category's number
and the file extension .poi. The POI data of each destination
address need to be entered in a single
Example file names:
separate line, see image above.
■ Business_2.poi
Storing the text files on a USB drive
■ Home & Living_8.poi
The text files with POI data need to be
■ Culture_15.poi
stored in a folder named myPOIs that
is located in the root directory of the
USB drive.
The length of the text file names is
limited to 32 characters. Example: F:\myPOIs\Home &
Living_8.poi, where F:\ is the root
POI categories and assigned
The POI data need to be entered intodirectory of the USB drive.
the text files in the following format:
After importing the individual POI
(1) Private, (2) Business, (3)
Longitude coordinate, Latitudedata to the Infotainment system (see
Restaurant, (4) Hotel, (5)
coordinate, "Name of POI", "Anyimport description further below), the
Automotive, (6) Travel, (7) Cinema,
additional information", "PhoneImported POIs menu will show a list
(8) Home & Living, (9) Shopping, (10)
number (optional)"of selectable POI categories like the
Craft, (11) Sport, (12) Sight, (13)
Health care, (14) Leisure, (15)
Culture, (16) Nightlife, (17)

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year of production from: 2008

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Opel Insignia manual
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