owners manual Opel Insignia
owners manual Opel Insignia - year of production: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Opel Insignia manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Opel Insignia, year of production 2008 - 2017:
Select Start export to store theImporting POI data from a USB driveBrief description:
address data of the selected type(s)Connect a USB drive with POI data1. Create the text files for the POI
on the connected USB drive.stored on it (details see above) to thedata.
USB port of the Infotainment system,
The address data will be stored in 2. Enter the desired address data
see chapter "USB port" 3 52.
a folder named myPOIs that is into the text files.
located in the root directory of theTo start the import: press the
3. Store the text files with your POI
USB drive. CONFIG button, select Navigation
data on a USB drive.
settings, select Import individual
For each exported POI category, e.g.
4. Connect the USB drive to the USB
POIs and then select Continue.
Restaurant or Private, you will find
port of your car's Infotainment
a correspondingly named file in thatAll POI data stored on the USB drive
folder. is imported to the myPOIs memory of
5. Download (import) the text files
the Infotainment system.
with your POI data to the
F:\myPOIs\Restaurant_3.poi orAfter the import is finished, the
Infotainment system.
F:\myPOIs\Private_1.poi, where F:\ isimported POIs are selectable as
After the import, the addresses can
the root directory of the USB drive.destinations via the Enter
be selected as destinations for route
destination menu, see chapter
"Destination input" 3 71.
If files with POI data of the same
Detailed descriptions see below.
category are already stored on the
Creating and importing user defined
USB drive in the myPOIs folder, Creating the text files for POI data
these old file versions will be You can assign your favourite
User defined points of interest need
overwritten by equally named new destination addresses to 20 different
to be defined via GPS coordinates
file versions. POI categories, with each POI
that can be taken, e.g., from
category assigned a number, see
The folder myPOIs and the files with
a topographical map.
"POI categories and assigned
POI data should not be renamed or
The GPS coordinates and further
numbers" below.
moved into another folder on the
address data need to be entered into
USB drive. Otherwise the For each POI category you need to
text files, each file representing a POI
Infotainment system will not be able create a separate text file.
to import the address data again.

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year of production from: 2008

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