owners manual Opel Insignia
owners manual Opel Insignia - year of production: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Opel Insignia manual EN
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text version of content this owner's manual page
from owners manual to the vehicle Opel Insignia, year of production 2008 - 2017:
Note Using this menu option you canmemory of the Infotainment
It is not possible to directly removeactivate and set up the myPOIssystem, see below.
individual imported points of interestannouncer of the Infotainment
■ Favourite destination addresses
from the myPOIs memory.system.
that were stored in the Address
If you want to remove individualIf activated and correspondingly setbook.
imported POIs: import updated POIup, the myPOIs announcer will
You can export these address book
data to the Infotainment system thatautomatically notify you via
data to a USB drive for later use,
do not contain the address data ofa message on the display and a beep
e.g., in other cars.
the regarding POIs.when the vehicle approaches a point
■ Individual POIs: favourite
of interest stored in the myPOIs
To remove all imported POIs of
destination addresses that were
memory, see "myPOIs announcer"
a certain category: import an empty
stored in the myPOIs memory.
POI data file of the regarding
You can export these individual
category to the Infotainment system.
Exporting and importing POIPOI data to a USB drive for later
Export POIs
use, e.g., in other cars.
Exports all POI data stored in the
■ User defined POIs: favourite
myPOIs memory of the InfotainmentIntroductory explanations
destination addresses that you
system to a USB drive connected to
Types of POI data
defined via GPS coordinates
the USB port 3 52, see "Exporting and
The Infotainment system provides the
(taken, e.g., from a topographical
importing POI data" below.
following types of points of interest
map) and that you entered into text
Delete Home address
■ Predefined Points of Interest stored
You can store these user defined
Deletes the currently set home
on the map SD card and indicated
POI data on a USB drive and later
address (displayed in the Enter
by icons on the map display.
import the data to the myPOIs
destination menu, see chapter
You can store such predefinedmemory of the Infotainment
"Destination input" 3 71).
POIs in the address book or assystem, see below.
myPOIs announcement individual POIs in the myPOIs
(only Navi 900)

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year of production from: 2008

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Opel Insignia manual
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