owners manual KIA Carens
owners manual KIA Carens - year of production: 2013 - KIA Carens III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Carens, year of production 2013:
Safety features of your vehicle
If the shoulder belt porPregnant womention slightlyInjured person
touches the child’s neck or face, try
The use of a seat belt is recom-A seat belt should be used when an
placing the child closer to the centre ofmended for pregnant winjured person is being tromen toansported.
the vehicle. If the shoulder belt still
lessen the chance of injurWhen this is necessary in any, you should
touches their face or neck they need toaccident. When a seat belt is used,consult a physician for recommenda-
be returned to a child restraint system.the lap belt portion should be placedtions.
as low and snugly as possible on the
WARNING- Shoulder hips, not across the abdomen.For
specific recommendations, consult aOne person per belt
belts on small childrenphysician. Two people (including children) should
Never allow a shoulder belt to never attempt to use a single seat belt.
be in contact with a child’s This could increase the severity of
neck or face whilst the vehicleWARNING - Pregnantinjuries in case of an accident.
is in motion. women
If seat belts are not properly
Pregnant women must never
worn and adjusted on chil- Do not lie down
place the lap portion of the
dren,there is a risk of death or To reduce the chance of injuries in
safety belt over the area of the
serious injury. the event of an accident and to
abdomen where the fetus is
achieve maximum effectiveness of
located or above the abdomen
the restraint system, all passengers
where the belt could crush the
fetus during an impact.should be sitting up and the front
seats should be in an upright posi-
tion when the car is moving. A seat
belt cannot provide proper protection
if the person is lying down in the rear
seat or if the front seat is in a reclined
3 34

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year of production from: 2013

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KIA Carens III 3 owners manual
pages 674 - 680
KIA Carens III 3 owners manual
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