owners manual KIA Carens
owners manual KIA Carens - year of production: 2013 - KIA Carens III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Carens, year of production 2013:
Safety features of your vehicle
When the pre-tensioner seat beltsIf the pre-tensioner seat belt is
To obtain maximum benefit
are activated, a loud noise may benot working properly, the SRS
from a pre-tensioner seat belt:heard and fine dust, which may
air bag warning light will illumi-
1.The seatbelt must be workingappearto be smoke, may be visiblenate even if there is no malfunc-
in the passenger compartment.
correctly and adjusted to the tion of the SRS air bag.If the
proper position. Please readThese are normal operating condi-SRS air bag warning light does
and follow all of the importanttions and are not hazardous.not illuminate when the ignition
Although it is harmless, the fine
information and precautions key is turned to ON,or if it
about your vehicle’s occupantdust may cause skin irritation andremains illuminated after illumi-
should not be breathed for pro-
safety features – including nating for approximately 6 sec-
seat belts and air bags – that longed periods. Wash all exposedonds, or if it illuminates whilst
are provided in this manual.skin areas thoroughly after an
the vehicle is being driven, we
2. Be sure you and your passen-accident in which the pre-tension-recommend that the system be
er seat belts were activated.
gers always wear seat belts inspected by an authorised Kia
properly. Because the sensor that activates dealer.
the SRS air bag is connected with
the pre-tensionerseat belt, the SRS
airbag warning light on the instru-
ment panel will illuminate for
approximately 6 seconds after the
ignition switch has been turned to
the "ON" position, and then it
should turn off.

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year of production from: 2013

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KIA Carens III 3 owners manual
pages 671 - 677
KIA Carens III 3 owners manual
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