owners manual KIA Carens
owners manual KIA Carens - year of production: 2013 - KIA Carens III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Carens, year of production 2013:
Safety features of your vehicle
WARNING (Continued) (Continued)
Never put a seat belt o Never allow a child to stand-ver
To reduce a risk of serious or
fatal injuries: yourself and a child. During aup or kneel on the seat or
crash, the belt could pressfloorboard of a moving vehi-
Children of all ages are safer deep into the child causingcle. During a collision or sud-
when restrained in the rear
serious internal injuries.den stop,the child can be vio-
seat.A child riding in the front lently thrown against the vehi-
Never leave children unat-
passenger seat can be force- cles interior, resulting in seri-
tended in a vehicle – not even
fully struck by an inflating air ous injury.
for a short time. The car can
bag resulting in serious or
fatal injuries. heat up very quickly, resulting Never use an infant carrier or
in serious injuries to childrena child safety seat that
Always follow the instructionsinside. Even very young chil-"hooks" over a seatback, it
for installation and use of the
dren may inadvertently causemay not provide adequate
child restraint maker. the vehicle to move, entanglesecurity in an accident.
Always make sure the child
themselves in the windows,or Seat belts can become very
seat is secured properly in thelock themselves or others
hot, especially when the car is
car and your child is securelyinside the vehicle.parked in direct sunlight.
restrained in the child seat. Never allow two children, orAlways check seat belt buck-
Never hold a child in your
any two persons, to use theles before fastening them
arms or lap when riding in a
same seat belt. over a child.
vehicle.The violent forces cre- Children often squirm and After an accident, we recom-
ated during a crash will tear
reposition themselves improp-mend that the system be
the child from your arms anderly. Never let a child ride withchecked by an authorised Kia
throw the child against the
the shoulder belt under theirdealer.
car’s interior. arm or behind their back.
If there is not enough space to
(Continued) Always properly position andplace the child restraint sys-
secure children in the rear seat.tem because of the driver's
(Continued) seat, install the child restraint
system in the rear left seat.

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year of production from: 2013

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KIA Carens III 3 owners manual
pages 677 - 683
KIA Carens III 3 owners manual
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