owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
ger air bag to be automatically turned OFF. Fordetection sensor. Other conditions could alsoIf the passenger air bag status light will not illu-
small adults it may be turned OFF, however if theresult in air bag inflation, such as if a child isminate even though you believe that the child
occupant takes his/her weight off the seat cush-standing on the seat, or if two children are on therestraint, the seat belts and the occupant are
ion (for example, by not sitting upright, by sittingseat, contrary to the instructions in this manual.properly positioned, the system may be sensing
onanedgeoftheseat,orbyotherwisebeingoutAlwaysbesurethatyouandallvehicleoccupantsan unoccupied seat (in which case the air bag is
of position), this could cause the sensor to turnare seated and restrained properly.OFF). Your NISSAN dealer can check that the
theairbagOFF.AlwaysbesuretobeseatedandUsingthepassengerairbagstatuslight,youcansystem is OFF by using a special tool. However,
wearingtheseatbeltproperlyforthemosteffec-monitor when the front passenger air bag is au-until you have confirmed with your dealer that
tive protection by the seat belt and supplementaltomatically turned OFF with the seat occupied.your air bag is working properly, reposition the
air bag. The light will not illuminate when the front pas-occupant or child restraint in a rear seat.
NISSAN recommends that pre-teens and chil-senger seat is unoccupied.The NISSAN Advanced Air Bag System and
dren be properly restrained in a rear seat. passenger air bag status light will take a few
NISSANalsorecommendsthatappropriatechildIf an adult occupant is in the seat but the passen-seconds to register a change in the passenger
restraints and booster seats be properly installedger air bag status light is illuminated (indicatingseat status. For example, if a large adult who is
in a rear seat. If this is not possible, the occupantthat the air bag is OFF), it could be that thesitting in the front passenger seat exits the ve-
detection sensor is designed to operate as de-personisasmalladult,orisnotsittingontheseathicle, the passenger air bag status light will go
scribedabovetoturnthefrontpassengerairbagproperly or not using the seat belt properly.from OFF to ON for a few seconds and then to
OFFfor specified child restraints as required byIf a child restraint must be used in the front seat,OFF. This is normal system operation and does
the regulations. Failing to properly secure childthepassengerairbagstatuslightmayormaynotnot indicate a malfunction.
restraintsandtousetheALRmodemayallowthebeilluminated, depending on the size of the child
restraint to tip or move in a collision or suddenandthetypeofchildrestraintbeingused.IftheairIf a malfunction occurs in the front passenger air
stop.Thiscanalsoresultinthepassengerairbagbagstatus light is not illuminated (indicating thatbag system, the supplemental air bag warning
inflating in a crash instead of being OFF. Forlight, located in the meter and gauges area
additional information, refer to “Child restraints”the air bag might inflate in a crash), it could beof the instrument panel, will blink. Have the sys-
in this section for proper use and installation.that the child restraint or seat belt is not beingtem checked by a NISSAN dealer.
If the front passenger seat is not occupied, theusedproperly.Makesurethatthechildrestraintis
passenger air bag is designed not to inflate in ainstalled properly, the seat belt is used properly
crash. However, heavy objects placed on theandtheoccupantispositionedproperly.Iftheair
seat could result in air bag inflation, because ofbag status light is not illuminated, reposition the
the object’s weight detected by the occupantoccupant or child restraint in a rear seat.
1-50 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system

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year of production from: 2013

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