owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
quickly in order to help protect the front and rear● No unauthorized changes should be* The SRS wiring harness connectors are
outboardoccupants.Becauseofthis,theforceofmade to any components or wiring ofyellow and orange for easy identification.
the side air bag and curtain air bag inflating canthe side air bag and curtain air bagWhen selling your vehicle, we request that you
increase the risk of injury if the occupant is toosystems.Thisistopreventdamagetoorinform the buyer about the side air bag and
close to, or is against, these air bag modulesaccidental inflation of the side air bagcurtain air bag systems and guide the buyer to
during inflation. The side air bags and curtain airand curtain air bag or damage to thethe appropriate sections in this Owner’s Manual.
The side air bags and curtain air bags op-● Do not make unauthorized changes toSEATBELTSWITH
erateonlywhentheignitionswitchisintheyour vehicle’s electrical system, sus-PRETENSIONERS(frontseats)
ONposition. pension system or side panel. This
After placing the ignition switch in the ONcould affect proper operation of theWARNING
position, the supplemental air bag warningsideairbagandcurtainairbagsystems.● Thepretensionerscannotbereusedaf-
light illuminates. The supplemental air bag● Tampering with the side air bag systemter activation. They must be replaced
warninglightwillturnoffafterabout7sec-may result in serious personal injury.together with the retractor and buckle
ondsif the system is operational.For example, do not change the frontas a unit.
seats by placing material near the seat-● If the vehicle becomes involved in a
WARNING backs or by installing additional trimcollision but a pretensioner is not acti-
material, such as seat covers, aroundvated, be sure to have the pretensioner
● Donotplaceanyobjectsneartheseat-the side air bag. system checked and, if necessary, re-
back of the front seats. Also, do not● Work around and on the side air bagplaced by your NISSAN dealer.
place any objects (an umbrella, bag,and curtain air bag systems should be
etc.) between the front door finisherdone by a NISSAN dealer. Installation● No unauthorized changes should be
and the front seat. Such objects mayof electrical equipment should also bemade to any components or wiring of
become dangerous projectiles anddonebyaNISSANdealer.TheSRSwir-the pretensioner system. This is to pre-
cause injury if a side air bag inflates.ing harnesses* should not be modifiedvent damagetooraccidentalactivation
● Rightafterinflation,severalsideairbagor disconnected. Unauthorized electri-of the pretensioners. Tampering with
andcurtainairbagsystemcomponentscal test equipment and probing devicesthe pretensioner system may result in
will be hot. Do not touch them; you mayshould not be used on the side air bagserious personal injury.
severely burn yourself. or curtain air bag systems.
Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-53

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year of production from: 2013

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