owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
Status light crash.Thedriverairbagandotherairbagsinyour
The front passenger air bag status lightisvehicle are not part of this system.
located near the climate controls. After the igni-The purpose of the regulation is to help reduce
tion switch is placed in the ON position, thethe risk of injury or death from an inflating air bag
front passenger air bag status light on the instru-to certain front passenger seat occupants, such
ment panel illuminates for about 7 seconds andas children, by requiring the air bag to be auto-
then turns off or remains illuminated dependingmaticallyturnedOFF.Certainsensorsareusedto
onthefrontpassengerseatoccupiedstatus.Themeet the requirements.
light operates as follows: The occupant detection sensors (weight sen-
● Unoccupied passenger’s seat: Thesors) are on the seat cushion frame under the
light is OFF and the front passenger air bagfront passenger seat and are designed to detect
is OFF and will not inflate in a crash.an occupant and objects on the seat. For ex-
● Passenger’sseatoccupiedbyasmalladult,ample,ifachildisinthefrontpassengerseat,the
WRS0475 AdvancedAirBagSystemisdesignedtoturnthe
Front passenger air bag and status lightchild or child restraint as outlined in thispassenger air bag OFF in accordance with the
section: Theilluminates to indicateregulations. Also, if a child restraint of the type
WARNING that the front passenger air bag is OFF andspecified in the regulations is on the seat, the
Thefrontpassengerairbagisdesignedtowill not inflate in a crash.occupant detection sensors can detect it and
automaticallyturnOFFundersomecondi-● Occupied passenger seat and the passen-cause the air bag to turn OFF.
tions. Read this section carefully to learnger meet the conditions outlined in this sec-Thefrontpassengerseatbeltsensorisdesigned
how it operates. Proper use of the seat,tion: The lightis OFF to indicate thatto detect if the seat belt is buckled. Based on the
seat belt and child restraints is necessarythe front passenger air bag is operational.weight on the seat detected by the occupant
for most effective protection. Failure to detection sensor and the buckle state, the Ad-
follow all instructions in this manual con-Front passenger air bagvanced Air Bag System determines whether the
cerning the use of seats, seat belts andThefront passenger air bag is designed to auto-front passenger air bag should be automatically
child restraints can increase the risk ormatically turn OFF when the vehicle is operatedturned OFF as required by the regulations.
severity of injury in an accident.under some conditions as described below inFront passenger seat adult occupants who are
accordance with U.S. regulations. If the frontproperly seated and using the seat belt as out-
passenger air bag is OFF it will not inflate in alined in this manual should not causethepassen-
Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-49

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year of production from: 2013

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