owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
64 Children in the vehicle
Wheninstalling the child restraint system,
! Asaresult,thechildrestraintsystemmaynot
makesurethattheseatbelt for the middlebe able to provide the intended level of pro-
seatdoesnotgettrapped.Theseatbeltcouldtection. This poses an increased risk of injury
otherwise be damaged. or even fatal injury.
restraint system.
Safety Vehicles without rear reclining seat: after
you have removed the LATCH-type (ISOFIX)
child restraint system, you must turn the sup-
port on the rear side of upholstered lining : by
ISOFIX is a standardized securing system for
specially designed child restraint systems on
the rear seats. LATCH-type (ISOFIX) securing
LATCH-type (ISOFIX) securing rings ; on therings ; for two LATCH-type (ISOFIX) child
rear seats are covered by a Velcro-fastenedrestraint systems are installed on the left and
upholstered lining :. right rear seats.
XVehicleswitharearrecliningseat: adjustVehicles with rear seat armrest: adjust the
the rear reclining seat backrest down a littlerear seat armrest so that LATCH-type (ISOFIX)
before installing the LATCH-type (ISOFIX)securing rings ; for the LATCH-type (ISOFIX)
child restraint system. child restraint system are accessible.
XVehicleswithoutrearreclining seat: foldNon-LATCH-type (ISOFIX) child seats may also
upholstered lining : upwards. beusedandcanbeinstalledusingthevehicle's
XVehicleswitharearrecliningseat:removeto the manufacturer's instructions.
upholstered lining :.
the support on the rear side of upholsteredTopTether
lining : by 90°.
Upholstered lining : remains foldedIntroduction
upwards. Top Tether provides an additional connection
systemonbothLATCH-type(ISOFIX)securinga LATCH-type (ISOFIX) system and the vehicle.
rings ;. This helps reduce the risk of injury even further.
XVehicleswitharearrecliningseat:moveIf the child restraint system is equipped with a
the rear reclining seat backrest to an uprightTop Tether belt, this should always be used.
position. The rear reclining seat backrest
mustrest against the child restraint system.Important safety notes
Vehicles with electrically adjustable rearIf the rear seat backrests are not locked, they
bench seats: could fold forwards in the event of an acci-
If you adjust the seat after installing a childdent, heavy braking or sudden changes of
restraint system: direction. As a result, child restraint systems
Rtheseatbelt could slacken or become toocannot perform their intended protective
tight function. Rear seat backrests that are not
Rthechild restraint system could becomelockedcanalsocauseadditionalinjuries,e.g.
loose, incorrectly positioned or damagedin the event of an accident. This poses an
increased risk of injury or even fatal injury.
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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