owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
1-28 Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Child restraint systems
&Choosing a child restraint&Installing child restraint sys-child suffering personal injury in the
system tems with A/ELR seatbelt event of an accident may be in-
! Installing a rearward facing child
. Child restraint systems and seat-restraint
belts can become hot in a vehicle
that has been closed up in sunny
weather; they could burn a small
child. Check the child restraint
system before you place a child
in it.
. Do not leave an unsecured child
restraint system in your vehicle.
Unsecured child restraint sys-
Choose a child restraint system that istems can be thrown around in-
appropriate for the child’s age and sizeside of the vehicle in a sudden
(weight and height) in order to provide thestop, turn or accident; they can
child with proper protection. The childstrike and injure vehicle occu-
restraint system should meet all applic-pants as well as result in serious1. Place the child restraint system in the
able requirements of Federal Motor Vehi-injuries or death to the child.rear seating position.
cle Safety Standards for the United States 2. Run the lap and shoulder belt through
or of Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Stan-CAUTION or around the child restraint system
dards for Canada. It can be identified by following the instructions provided by its
looking for the label on the child restraintWhen you install a child restraintmanufacturer.
system or the manufacturer’s statement ofsystem, follow the manufacturer’s3. Insert the tongue plate into the buckle
compliance in the document attached toinstructions supplied with it. Afteruntil you hear a click.
the system. installing the child restraint system,
Also it is important for you to make surecheck to ensure that it is held
that the child restraint system is compa-securely in position. If it is not held
tible with the vehicle in which it will betight and secure, the danger of your

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year of production from: 2012

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