owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Child restraint systems1-27
A: Front passenger’s seat In this seating position, you should usecording to accident statistics, chil-
You should not install a child restraintonly a child restraint system that has adren are safer when properly re-
system (including a booster seat) due tobottom base that fits snugly against thestrained in the rear seating posi-
the hazard to children posed by thecontours of the seat cushion and can betions than in the front seating posi-
passenger’s airbag. securely retained using the seatbelt.tions.
Ifitis unavoidable to install a child
B: Rear seat, window-side seating
positions restraint system in the rear seat’s center
seating position, remove the center head
Recommended positions for all types ofrestraint and install the child restraint
child restraint systems. system by correctly passing the rear
In these positions, Automatic/Emergencycenter seatbelt through the belt guide.
Locking Retractor (A/ELR) seatbelts and
lower anchorages (bars) are provided for WARNING
installing a child restraint system.
SometypesofchildrestraintsmightnotbePut children aged 12 and under in
able to be secured firmly due to projectionthe rear seat properly restrained at
of the seat cushion. all times. The SRS airbag deploys
In this seating position, you should usewith considerable speed and force
only a child restraint system that has aand can injure or even kill children,
bottom base that fits snugly against theespecially if they are 12 years of age
contours of the seat cushion and can beand under and are not restrained orWARNING
securely retained using the seatbelt.improperly restrained. Because chil-
dren are lighter and weaker thanSINCE YOUR VEHICLE IS
C: Rear seat, center seating positionadults, their risk of being injuredEQUIPPED WITH A PASSENGER’S
Installing a child restraint system is notfrom deployment is greater.SRS AIRBAG, NEVER INSTALL A
recommended, although the A/ELR seat-For that reason, be sure to secureREARWARD FACING CHILD
belt and an upper anchorage (tetherALL types of child restraint devicesSAFETY SEAT IN THE FRONT PAS-
anchorage, if equipped) are provided in SENGER’S SEAT. DOING SO RISKS
(including forward facing child
this position. seats) in the REARseatsatalltimes.SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH TO
SometypesofchildrestraintsmightnotbeYou should choose a restraint de-THE CHILD BY PLACING THE
able to be secured firmly due to projectionvice which is appropriate for theCHILD’S HEAD TOO CLOSE TO
of the seat cushion. child’s age, height and weight. Ac-THE SRS AIRBAG.

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year of production from: 2012

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