owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
1-38 Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
&General precautions regard- to help avoid injuries that canand the front passenger should
ing SRS airbag system result when an occupant is notmove the seat as far back as
seated in a proper upright posi-possible and sit upright and well
WARNING tion. back in the seat.
. To obtain maximum protection in
the event of an accident, the
driver and all passengers in the
vehicle should always wear seat-
belts when the vehicle is moving.
The SRS airbag is designed only
to beasupplementtotheprimary
protection provided by the seat-
belt. It does not eliminate the
need to fasten seatbelts. In com-
bination with the seatbelts, it
offers the best combined protec-
tion in case of a serious accident.
Not wearing a seatbelt increases WARNING WARNING
the chance of severe injury or
death in a crash even when the. The SRS airbags deploy with. Do not sit or lean unnecessarily
vehicle has the SRS airbag.considerable speed and force.close to either front door. The
For instructions and precautionsOccupants who are out of properSRS side airbags are stored in
concerning the seatbelt system,position when the SRS airbagboth front seat seatbacks next to
refer to “Seatbelts” F1-13.deployscouldsufferveryseriousthe door, and they provide pro-
. The SRS side airbag and SRSinjuries. Because the SRS airbagtection by deploying rapidly (fas-
curtain airbag are designed onlyneeds enough space for deploy-ter than the blink of an eye) in the
to beasupplementtotheprimaryment, the driver should alwaysevent of a side impact or frontal
protection provided by the seat-sit upright and well back in thecollision. However, the force of
belt. They do not eliminate theseat as far from the steeringSRSsideairbagdeploymentmay
needtofastenseatbelts. It is alsowheel as practical while stillcause injuries if your head or
important to wear your seatbeltmaintaining full vehicle controlother parts of the body are too

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year of production from: 2012

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