owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
1-24 Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Front seatbelt pretensioners
tion on a one-time-only basis. In theThis could result in accidental&Systemservicing
event that a pretensioner is activated,activation of the seatbelt preten-
both the driver’s and front passenger’ssioners or could make the sys-WARNING
seatbelt retractor assemblies shouldtem inoperative, possibly result-
be replaced only by an authorizeding in serious injury. Seatbelt. When discarding a seatbelt re-
SUBARU dealer. When replacing seat-pretensioners have no user-ser-tractor assembly or scrapping
belt retractor assemblies, use onlyviceable parts. For required ser-the entire vehicle damaged by a
genuine SUBARU parts. vicing of front seatbelt retractorscollision, consult your SUBARU
. If either front seatbelt does notequipped with seatbelt preten-dealer.
retract or cannot be pulled out due tosioners, consult your SUBARU. Tampering with or disconnecting
a malfunction or activation of the dealer. the system’s wiring could result
pretensioner, contact your SUBARU. When discarding front seatbeltin accidental activation of the
dealer as soon as possible. retractor assemblies or scrap-seatbelt pretensioner and/or
. If the front seatbelt retractor assem-ping the entire vehicle due toSRS airbag or could make the
bly or surrounding area has beencollision damage or for othersystem inoperative, which may
damaged,contactyourSUBARUdealerreasons, consult your SUBARUresult in serious injury. Do not
as soon as possible. dealer. use electrical test equipment on
. Whenyousellyourvehicle, we urge any circuit related to the seatbelt
you to explain to the buyer that it has pretensioner and SRS airbag
seatbelt pretensioners by alerting the&Systemmonitors systems. For required servicing
buyer to the contents of this section. of the seatbelt pretensioner, con-
A diagnostic system continually monitorssult your nearest SUBARU deal-
WARNING the readiness of the seatbelt pretensionerer.
while the vehicle is being driven. The
. To obtain maximum protection,seatbelt pretensioners share the control
the occupants should sit in anmodule with the SRS airbag system.CAUTION
upright position with their seat-Therefore, if any malfunction occurs in a
belts properly fastened. Refer toseatbelt pretensioner, the SRS airbagThesensorsandSRSairbagcontrol
“Seatbelts” F1-13. system warning light will illuminate. Formodulesarelocatedinthefollowing
. Do not modify, remove or strikedetails, refer to“SRS airbag systemlocations.
the front seatbelt retractor as-monitors” F1-64. . Front impact sensors: on both
semblies or surrounding area. sides of the radiator panel

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year of production from: 2012

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