owners manual Mercedes SL
owners manual Mercedes SL - year of production: 2012 - Mercedes Benz SL R231 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes SL, year of production 2012:
534 Features
However,onlythelawenforcementagencyThe vehicle operating state check begins.
is informed of the location of the vehicle.Youwill see the VehVehicliclee diadiagnognosissis
actactivaivatedted message.
iIftheanti-theft alarm system is activated
Whenthediagnosis is completed, the SenSendd
for longer than 30 seconds, the Mercedes-
Benz Customer Assistance Center is
automatically informed.
durduringing datdataa tratransfnsfer)er) message appears.
The vehicle data can now be sent to the
Vehicle remote malfunction diagnosis
Customer Assistance center.
With the vehicle remote malfunction
XPressOKOK to confirm the message.
diagnosis (Vehicle Health Check), the
The voice connection with the Customer
s Customer Assistance center can provide
Assistance center is terminated.
improved support for problems with your
Youwill see the VehVehicliclee DiaDiagnognosissis::
vehicle. During an existing call, vehicle data
ature TraTransfnsferrerringingdatdataa message.
is transferred to the Customer Assistance
The vehicle data is sent to the Customer
center. The customer service representative
Assistance center.
of assistance is required. You are then, for
Depending on what the customer service
example, guided to the nearest authorized
representative agreed with you, the voice
Mercedes-Benz Center or a recovery vehicle
is called.
is complete. If necessary, you will be
If vehicle data needs to be transferred duringcontacted at a later time by another means,
anMBInfocalloraRoadsideAssistancecall,e.g. by e-mail or phone.
this is initiated by the Customer Assistance
Further functions of the vehicle remote
center. You will see the RoaRoadsidsidede
malfunction diagnosis include, for example:
AssAssististancanceeConConnecnectedted message in the
transfer of service data to the Customer
COMANDdisplay.If the vehicle remote
Assistance center. If a service is overdue,
malfunction diagnosis can be started, the
the COMANDdisplay shows a message
about various special offers at your
messageappearsin the display.
monthly status information e-mail on oil
level, air pressure, maintenance, brakes,
XWhentheVehVehicliclee DiaDiagnognosissis PlePleasease
etc. If applicable, you will receive
stastartrtignignitiitionon message appears, turn
information on special offers in the e-mail.
the SmartKey to position 2 in the ignition
USAonly: this information can also be
lock (Y page 155).
XWhenthePlePleasease folfollowlow thethe
insinstrutructictionsons recreceiveiveded byby phophonene andand
Information on the data stored in the vehicle
(Y page 35).
pospositiition.on. message appears, follow the
Information on Roadside Assistance
customer service representative's
(Y page 31).
The message in the display disappears.
If you select CanCancelcel, the vehicle remote
malfunction diagnosis is canceled

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year of production from: 2012

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Mercedes Benz SL R231 owners manual
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