owners manual Mercedes SL
owners manual Mercedes SL - year of production: 2012 - Mercedes Benz SL R231 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes SL, year of production 2012:
532 Features
iThedestinationdownloadfunction is account: click on the corresponding
available if the relevant mobile phonebutton on the website.
network is available and data transfer is
If you select 'Send to vehicle' and then
'Mercedes-Benz', the destination address
iThedestinationdownloadfunction can
will be sent to your vehicle.
only be used if the vehicle is equipped with
a navigation system.
Enter the e-mail address you specified
whensetting up your mbrace account into
This service is part of the mbrace PLUS
the corresponding field.
Package and cannot be purchased
XClick "Send".
iYoucanalsousetheRouteAssistance iInformationonspecific commands such
functionifyourvehicleisnotequippedwithas "Address entry" or "Send" can be found
featuresa navigation system. onthewebsite.
Within the framework of this service, you
Calling up destination addresses
andreceive a professional and reliable form of
navigation support without having to leave
The destination address is loaded into the
your vehicle.
vehicle's navigation system.
The customer service representative finds a
Adisplay message appears, asking
suitable route depending on your vehicle's
Stowage whether navigation should be started.
current position and the desired destination.
XSelect YesYes by turning cVd or sliding
Youwill then be guided live through the
current route section.
The system calculates the route and
subsequently starts the route guidance
General notes with the address entered.
in the address book.
service subscription must be completed.
destination address, each individual
"Search & Send" is a destination entry
destination must be confirmed separately.
service. A destination address which is found
iDestinationaddresses are loaded in the
onGoogleMaps canbetransferredvia
mbracedirectly to your vehicle's navigationsameorderastheorderinwhichtheywere
system. sent.
If you own multiple Mercedes-Benz
Specifying and sending the destination
If multiplevehiclesareregisteredunderthe
www.maps.google.com and enter a
samee-mail address, the destination will
destination address into the entry field.
be sent to all the vehicles.
e-mail address of your mbrace

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year of production from: 2012

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Mercedes Benz SL R231 owners manual
pages 531 - 537
Mercedes Benz SL R231 owners manual
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