owners manual KIA Niro
owners manual KIA Niro - year of production: 2016 - KIA Niro owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Niro, year of production 2016:
Bulb replacement precaution CAUTION
Please prepare bulbs with appropriateWARNING
If unauthentic parts or sub-
Be sure to replace the burned-
standards in case of emergencies. standard lights are used when
Refer to “Bulb Wattage” in chapter 9.out bulb with one of the same
changing lights, it may lead to
When changing bulbs and sorts, firstwattage rating. Otherwise, it
fuse disconnection and mal-
may cause extensive wiring
turn off the engine at a safe place, function, and other wiring
damage and possible fire.
firmly apply the side brake and take damages.
out the battery's negative (-) terminal. Do not install extra lamps or
CAUTION LED to the vehicle. If supple-
WARNING- Working on mentary lights are installed, it
the lights If you don’t have necessary
may lead to lamp malfunction
tools, the correct bulbs and theand flickering of the lights. In
Prior to working on the light,
expertise,consult an authorizedaddition, the fuse box and
firmly apply the parking brake,
Kia dealer. In many cases, it is other writing may be damaged.
ensure that the ignition switch
difficult to replace vehicle light
is turned to the LOCK position
bulbs because other parts of the
and turn off the lights to avoid
vehicle must be removed before
sudden movement of the vehi-
cle and burning your fingers oryou can get to the bulb.This is
receiving an electric shock.especially true if you have to
remove the headlight assembly
to get to the bulb(s). Removing/
Use only the bulbs of the specified
installing the headlight assem-
wattage. bly can result in damage to the

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year of production from: 2016

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KIA Niro owners manual
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KIA Niro owners manual
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