owners manual KIA Niro
owners manual KIA Niro - year of production: 2016 - KIA Niro owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Niro, year of production 2016:
Lamp part malfunction due to
net-work failure
If the light bulb or lamp connectorAfter driving in heavy rain or wash-
The headlamp, taillight, and fog light is removed from an operating lamping, headlamp and taillamp lenses
may lit up when the head lamp switchactivated by electricity, the fusceould appearfrosty. This condition is
is turned ON, and not light up when
box’s electronic device may scan itcaused by the temperature differ-
the taillight or for light switch is turnedas a malfunction. Therefore, a lampence between the lamp inside and
ON. This may be cause by network
malfunction history may be record-outside. This is similar to the con-
failure or vehicle electrical control
ed in Diagnostic Trouble Codedensation on your windows inside
system malfunction.If there is a prob-(DTC) in the fuse box. your vehicle during the rain and
lem, we recommend the system be
It is normal for an operating lampdoesn’t indicate a problem with your
serviced by an authorized Kia dealer.may blink temporarily. Since this vehicle. If the water leaks into the
occurrence is due stabilizationlamp bulb circuitry, have the vehicle
Lamp part malfunction due to elec-function of the vehicle’s electronic checked by an authorized Kia dealer.
trical control system stabilizationcontrol device, if the lamp lights up
normally after temporary blinking,
A normally functioning lamp may
flicker momentarily. This momentarythere is no problem in the vehicle.
However, if the lamp continues to
occurrence is due to stabilization
blink several times or turn off com-
unction of the vehicle's electrical on
pletely, there may be an errorin the
control system. If the lamp soon
vehicle’s electronic control device.
returns to normal, the vehicle does
not require service. So we recommend that you have
the vehicle checked by an author-
However, if the lamp goes out after
ized Kia dealer immediately.
he momentary flickering, or the flick-
ering continues, we recommend the
system be serviced by an authorized
Kia dealer. We recommend that the headlight
aiming be adjusted after an accident
orafterthe headlight assembly is rein-
stalled at an authorized Kia dealer.
8 82

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year of production from: 2016

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KIA Niro owners manual
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