owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
1-14 Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Seatbelts
According to accident statistics,place the shoulder belt under the child’s&Automatic/Emergency Lock-
children are safer when properlyarm or behind the child’s back.ing Retractor (A/ELR)
restrained in the rear seating ! Expectant mothersEach passenger’s seatbelt has an Auto-
positions than in the front seat- matic/Emergency Locking Retractor (A/
ing positions. For instructions ELR). The Automatic/Emergency Locking
and precautions concerning the Retractor normally functions as an Emer-
child restraint system, refer to gency Locking Retractor (ELR). The A/
“Child restraint systems” F1-25. ELR has an additional locking mode
“Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR)
! Infants or small children mode” intended to secure a child restraint
Use a child restraint system that is system. When the seatbelt is once drawn
suitable for your vehicle. Refer to “Childout completely and is then retracted even
restraint systems” F1-25. slightly, the retractor locks the seatbelt in
! Children that position and the seatbelt cannot be
extended. As the belt is rewinding, clicks
If a child is too big for a child restraintwill be heard which indicate the retractor
system,thechildshouldsitintherearseatExpectant mothers also need to use thefunctions as an ALR. When the seatbelt is
and be restrained using the seatbelts.seatbelts. They should consult their doctorretracted fully, the ALR mode is released.
According to accident statistics, childrenfor specific recommendations. The lap belt
are safer when properly restrained in theshould be worn securely and as low asWhensecuring a child restraint system on
rear seating positions than in the frontpossible over the hips, not over the waist.the rear seats by the use of the seatbelt,
seating positions. Never allow a child tothe seatbelt must be changed over to the
stand up or kneel on the seat.&EmergencyLocking Retrac-Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR) mode.
If the shoulder portion of the belt crossestor (ELR)When the child restraint system is re-
the face or neck, move the child closer toThe driver’s seatbelt has an Emergencymoved, make sure that the seatbelt
the belt buckle to help provide a goodLocking Retractor (ELR).retracts fully and the retractor returned to
shoulder belt fit. Care must be taken to the Emergency Locking Retractor (ELR)
securely place the lap belt as low asThe emergency locking retractor allowsmode.
possible on the hips and not on the child’snormal body movement but the retractorFor instructions on how to convert the
waist. If the shoulder portion of the beltlocks automatically during a sudden stop,retractor to the ALR mode and restore it to
cannot be properly positioned, a childimpact or if you pull the belt very quicklythe ELR mode, refer to “Installing child
restraint system should be used. Neverout of the retractor.restraint systems with A/ELR seatbelt”

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year of production from: 2012

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