owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
fastened, inflator operation is based on
Supplemental front air bag far as practical away from the steering
system the severity of a collision and whether thewheel or instrument panel. The supple-
seat belts are being used. Only one frontmental front air bags inflate quickly in order
The driver supplemental air bag is locatedair bag may inflate in a crash, dependingto help protect the front occupants. Because
in the center of the steering wheel; the on the crash severity and whether the frontof this, the force of the front air bag in-
front passenger supplemental air bag isoccupants are belted or unbelted. Thisflating can increase the risk of injury if the
mounted in the instrument panel abovedoes not indicate improper performance ofoccupant is too close to or is against the air
the glove box. These systems are de- the system. If you have any questions bag module during inflation. The air bag will
signed to meet optional certification re- deflate quickly after the collision is over.
quirements under U.S. regulations. Theyabout the performance of your air bag sys-
are also permitted in Canada. The op- tem, please contact your INFINITI dealer.WARNING
tional certification allows front air bags toWhen the supplemental front air bag in-
be designed to inflate somewhat less flates, a fairly loud noise may be heard,
forcefully than previously. However, all offollowed by release of smoke. This smokeO Do not place any objects on the
the information, cautions and warnings inis not harmful and does not indicate a fire.steering wheel pad or on the instru-
this manual still apply and must be fol-Care should be taken not to inhale it, as itment panel. Also, do not place any ob-
lowed. The front air bags are designed tomay cause irritation and choking. Thosejects between any occupant and the
inflate in higher severity frontal collisions,with a history of a breathing conditionsteering wheel or instrument panel.
although they may inflate if the forces inshould get fresh air promptly.Such objects may become dangerous
another type of collision are similar to projectiles and cause injury if the
those of a higher severity frontal impact.Supplemental front air bags, along withsupplemental front air bag inflates.
They may not inflate in certain frontal col-the use of seat belts, help to cushion the
lisions. Vehicle damage (or lack of it) is impact force on the face and chest of theO Immediately after inflation, several
not always an indication of proper supple-front occupants. They can help save livesfront air bag system components will
mental air bag operation.and reduce serious injuries. However, anbe hot. Do not touch them; you may se-
The supplemental air bag system has dualinflating front air bag may cause facialverely burn yourself.
stage inflators for both the driver and pas-abrasions or other injuries. Front air bags
senger air bags. The system monitors in- do not provide restraint to the lowerO No unauthorized changes should be
formation from the crash zone sensor, thebody. made to any components or wiring of
diagnosis sensor unit and seat belt buckleThe seat belts should be correctly worn andthe supplemental front air bag system.
sensors that detect if the seat belts are the driver and passenger seated upright as
1-40 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
Z04.4.16/F50-D X

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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